Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once past her garden , Clare turned off the narrow lane on to a path hedged high with hawthorn , which led up the gently rising hill behind the cottage to the wood .
2 As Ilse happily slipped out of her thin white overall , Ingrid noticed the audience tossing money on to a plate which was being passed around .
3 The bird ties it by holding a strip on to a branch with one foot and then , using its beak , passing the end round the branch , threading it through one of the turns and pulling it tight .
4 Nina turned the fragments of food on her plate with all the delicacy of an archaeologist lifting a shard on to a trowel .
5 There is nothing in the Children Act 1989 which provides for the court to tack any direction on to a care order and I have to say that , in my judgment , the addition of a direction of any sort to a care order is a fetter on the local authority plans , authority and responsibility .
6 Pin the tracing on to a wall .
7 But Fael-Inis was concentrating on spreading honey on to a wedge of bread , and seemed not to notice .
8 Smiling broadly to herself she closed the heavy wooden door behind us and fastened the little chain latch on to a nail on the adjacent door .
9 He flung the guitar on to a chair , and bent down to pick Shelley up bodily instead , lifting her as though she weighed nothing at all .
10 Reproachfully , Rosa dipped into the deep pot of olives and served a scoop of the waxy jade pebbles on to a dish and set it near Tommaso .
11 This was the famous gun that could put a shell on to a target and then another two on the same spot precisely .
12 However , where there is a breach of any term which is not a condition , that breach could be either repudiatory ( i.e. equivalent in effect to a breach of condition ) or a mere breach of warranty ( i.e. giving rise only to a claim to damages ) .
13 Advances of capital and determinations of interest during the life of the beneficiary which have taken place before 26/3/74 can give rise only to a claim for duty or tax in connection with the beneficiary 's death ( a ) If the death takes place before 13/11/74 any claim for estate duty must be made under Section 2(1) ( b ) ( i ) or ( ii ) of the Finance Act , 1894 , and all the present estate duty rules apply .
14 The speed of transmission varies from 6 minutes down to a matter of seconds per A4 page , depending on the type of fax machine used .
15 Another possibility for the seminar is that if you want to bring some notes along to a sort of , if you show me a if you dream up hypothetical questions and then put a plan to answer them so that I can skim down it in about a minute or two .
16 Although I accept the necessity to improve traffic flows and safety on the M25 , may I ask my hon. Friend to take into account environmental considerations such as the need to keep noise down to a minimum ?
17 for short ) gives rise naturally to a partition .
18 The payback on Visa and Access is growing as people try to keep running debts down to a minimum .
19 Matthew had reached the woods and he slowed Bess down to a walk and bent down and caressed her neck .
20 We have to balance this response with a consideration of the relationship the participants develop with the trainers , and to put some of the enthusiastic response down to a desire to please us and to peer group pressure .
21 There is the feel of a cold offshore mist to the hospital room , a life-is-a-bitch feel , made sharp by the hostile ganglia of medical technology , plasma bags dripping , vile tubing snaking in and out of the body , blinking monitors levelling illusion , muffling existence down to a sort of digital bingo .
22 To believe them , Karen and I shanghaied the shrinking Dennis on to a punt by some underhand ruse worthy of a ‘ once-aboard-the-lugger-and-the-maid-is-mine ’ melodrama .
23 Pin the angled offcuts from the legs on to a scrap piece of wood to make an excellent cradle for planing and also for clamping blocks .
24 At lunchtime , when everyone was brewing up , the navigator plotted all those little legs on to a map .
25 As soon as she 'd finished eating Luce moved the tray on to a side-table and , not without a pang , began to read the second diary , followed by the third .
26 The example is the famous case in which a man unintentionally drove his car on to a police-officer 's foot and then declined to remove it , for a minute or two , when asked .
27 Lift the triangles on to a baking sheet .
28 Well because when you shine a light on to a board only half of it is gon na be facing only half of it is gon na be facing .
29 RIGHT A bone specialist is sorting animal bones into groups and entering the data on to a computer for analysis .
30 The effect was the unloading of a mountain of stock on to a market which was becoming overheated .
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