Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The latter point has of course long been recognised in academic psychology and from the 1950s onwards considerable effort was expended attempting to identify the unique features of creativity .
2 Freddie did not manage to keep us in the Cup against the powerful Rangers outfit but , usually playing at centre-forward , he steadily repaid that fee several times over during the first five post-war seasons , for not only has his tally of 48 League goals only been exceeded by six players here at The Palace since then , but his goals were scored in struggling Palace teams , which only once finished in the upper half of the League table .
3 Last year 's winner , Quinlan Terry , would not have beaten the second horse , the subsequent Group One race winner Ile De Chypre , had that rival not been drawn on the far side .
4 Oh god I , I , I mean I , the books just been written on that
5 Had Ken not been beset by peculiarly worrying tours as England manager/coach , that small family might have been spared such early grief .
6 That statement had been true and had in any case not been made by Moorgate Mercantile , since H.P.I. was not an agent of Moorgate Mercantile for the purpose of making such a statement .
7 Why has this extraordinary assemblage not been secured by Italy ?
8 The Court of Appeal held that the buyer dealt as a consumer , so that the clause was inapplicable ; however , Dillon LJ , obiter , suggested that had the buyer not been dealing as a consumer , the clause would have been reasonable because the buyer ( 1 ) was " ex hypothesi dealing in the course of business and [ the managing director ] was not devoid of commercial experience " and ( 2 ) the supplier was a hire purchase company , not a dealer , and had never had possession of or inspected the car .
9 But the decision for closure had in any case already been made by the predecessor AHA .
10 Later , in the 1860s , Persigny remarked to the Emperor that the charges on the civil list were enormous — to which Napoleon III replied that had so much money not been allotted in the first place he would have been unable to fulfil all the demands which were made upon him .
11 Government complaints alleging racial discrimination in rental policies have al ready been filed in Miami and Minneapolis .
12 Barrie Lamb stated that the job would have been completed earlier had DRPS not been diverted into rescuing additional rolling stock such as their current working steam loco , a Peckett 0-4-0 ST which is undergoing extensive winter repairs .
13 The alleyways were scored with deep trenches down which the water ran when it rained ; or would have run had its passage not been blocked by heaps of refuse , dung and animal guts , behind which the water collected in stagnant pools , above which mosquitoes hung in a cloud .
14 Davidson was the first Anglo-Scot to play international rugby ; the first of the Royal Indian Engineering College forward 's two caps was against England in 1873 , still in the days of 20-a-side , and rarely since then have the exiles not been represented in Scotland 's team .
15 Some differences , such as those based on sex , have for decades simply been taken for granted as natural and unproblematic .
16 He said he would have done considerably better had he been granted anything approaching equal access to the media and had tricks not been played against him .
17 It was their duty ‘ so to work as to make proprietors or occupiers on a lower level as secure against injury as they would have been had nature not been interfered with . ’
18 And why has King James 's body not been returned to Scotland for burial ? ’
19 " It seems to have been an edifice of remote antiquity , and is built of rough stones , and was in my memory , in a ruinated condition without roof and timbers , but has now , for some years past been converted into a workshop and dwelling house inhabited by a wheelwright .
20 These had many years earlier been started by Ffabian , Clocker , Hawkins , Gibson and Hagrig ( M. B. Donald includes the name Haukriggs ) and others .
21 It was these crafts — cordwainers , girdlers , fishmongers , wool-packers , for example — which formed the heart of the popular movement , having greatly expanded in numbers during the previous hundred years yet been excluded from political power and forbidden to organize by the aldermen .
22 The immediate suspects of the murder were a local man and his son ; but both these men could not have had stronger alibis , for the father was in hospital after having an operation on his hip bone , while his son had three days previously been called into the Forces .
23 Piano keys made with synthetic resins or polymer fibres eventually become slippery with sweat from the pianist 's fingers after been played for a long time .
24 ( The asbestos had been built into the carriages to act as sound and heat insulation , but had of course later been found to be a health hazard . )
25 Has the right hon. and learned Gentleman not been listening to the chorus of demands from the CBI , from the trade unions and now also from a number of Conservative newspapers for an increase in capital allowances for manufacturing industry ?
26 If you think about it , the whole fucking been going since the early six , mid sixties
27 Not for nothing has Nikolaus Pevsner 's The Englishness of English Art just been translated into German .
28 Had profitable South African firms not been constrained by sanctions and exchange controls , they would have taken the profits they made from gold , platinum and diamonds and invested them overseas .
29 ‘ Have the bag or despatches ever been interfered with ? ’
30 ‘ In no case where we interviewed had the woman only been raped by one man .
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