Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [subord] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 In Mordauntt v. British Oil & Cake Mills Ltd. ( 1910 K.B. ) the seller was told of the sub-sale by the buyer only after it had been made .
2 Carried to their logical conclusion his theories meant that ( if he were right ) the attaque à outrance could be broken by a well-organised defence long before it reached the enemy .
3 But Mexico got this support only because it had sorted out its economy .
4 Her gown looked expensive , Ruth thought , but it would have suited her mistress better than it did its owner .
5 A picture of the American family began to be glimpsed as a super-mobile group that could get together to grill a hamburger only if it drove to the appointment .
6 But they put their foot down when it came to maths and they caught me grappling with the colour scheme of a kestrel .
7 He followed the bomber down until it dived into the sea off Filfla , three survivors being seen in the water .
8 And the third tells you that it was Isaac Newton who wrote this equation down because it matched what happened every time he played billiards or threw apples around .
9 There was intense poverty in it , especially during some periods , and there were the tensions that were inevitable where the old system of dependence on master or squire had retained its force long after it had lost its relevance and many of its benefits .
10 The second set of compulsory powers were not to become operative until the ‘ second appointed day ’ and were to be brought into effect only if it appeared ‘ that it is necessary in the public interest to enable the commission to obtain authority for the compulsory acquisition of land by a simplified procedure ’ .
11 It is just because the whole of this institution of married women 's property existed in Equity only that Equity could mould the institution just as it pleased .
12 The numbing effect of complete spatial disorientation blurred his mind momentarily before it struggled to compensate .
13 The Magill reporter concluded that the County Council officials ‘ must have known of the existence of the tailings pond soon after it began ’ .
14 The Regis was so vast it absorbed the Writers Internationale just as it absorbed the British Congress of Funeral Directors .
15 This would not arise if the universal conception were to be theoretically dominant in a social psychology which resembled a universal anthropology more than it did a historical social science .
16 And it ripped about a quarter of the roof off before it finished and the slates but er still good .
17 He pushed it through the letter box and saw it flame up as it went through .
18 Eliot now tended to be interested in anthropology mainly when it contributed to a Christian perspective , so that while he would maintain that ‘ the actual religion of no European people has ever been purely Christian , or purely anything else ’ since ‘ There are always bits and traces of more primitive faiths , more or less absorbed ’ , he became more and more interested in relating such faiths to Christian problems .
19 Such spiral waves could be induced by injecting the non-metabolizable analogue InsPS 3 ( ref. 70 ) , whereas the injection of calcium had no effect even though it caused a localized elevation of calcium .
20 Eastman Kodak put Interactive on the block at least six months ago because it did not fit its core business interests .
21 RISC watcher Andrew Allison remembered FRISC as a merchant chip attempt and says he laughed at Micron months ago when it announced the subsidiary because it did n't have the resources or market presence to pull off a new proprietary architecture .
22 Partners in the south coast firm of Hook Harris & Co , which hit the headlines two months ago when it entered into an individual voluntary arrangement with its creditors , have bought the two main practices from the joint supervisors of the IVA .
23 I was n't going that far today , but I could hear the bulldozer they used sometimes to spread the garbage around as it revved and pushed .
24 When I last met them in September , I asked them to consider urgently three specific point : first , the introduction of visible vehicle identification numbers ; secondly , the fitting of deadlocking across all their vehicle ranges ; and , most important , the development of an effective vehicle immobilising device that would make it impossible to move a car even if it had been broken into .
25 Playing the Tory game does not work in securing power , and would n't do us any good in the long term even if it did .
26 The new French Agriculture and Forestry Minister , Louis Mermaz , said that France would not be pushed into an accord even if it meant extending the December deadline for completing the GATT talks .
27 Buzz was out of the car almost before it rolled to a halt on the gravel forecourt .
28 It aroused a lot of opposition initially because it upset the existing viewpoint : " How can a black hole emit anything ? "
29 Eventually Duncan had managed to slew the aircraft round before it settled on all wheels on the runway .
30 Theda stepped back and caught at the back of her hair just as it came tumbling down over her shoulders .
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