Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adv] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 This might thus serve to bridge the transition between prayer and other forms of activity and also embody a perpetual icon for that prayer and for penitence : The shorter version engages with the Passion story much more starkly to project a powerful realisation of the horror of being cut off from all that Christ is — in the words of The Form of Living " he hase noght Jhesu Criste , he tynes all he has , and all he es , and all he myght gete " ( 1.85.19 – 21 ) .
2 He could n't string Fly 's presence and his doubts together long enough to know what one had to do with the other .
3 This history should be looked on as my attempt to explore the history of the College so as best to understand why it has become what it is today .
4 ‘ Hi , Mr Angel , ’ she said , stretching her legs together just enough to produce static electricity .
5 They had then returned to Weymouth and diverted to the crematorium , where Heather had left the car just long enough to take a photograph .
6 In fact , if you have a cold greenhouse or well-lit shed , I think there is a good case for removing all containerised aquatic plants and overwintering them in trays just deep enough to allow an inch of water over the compost in the pots .
7 Until I can persuade her to unbind me — or make contact with Mephistco and convince someone back at base to forgive me my trespasses just long enough to do an override — I am confined inside the plane of reflected light .
8 The response of the good data analyst is to welcome the discrepancy , and to examine the data even more closely to understand why the techniques differ ; new insights could be on the horizon .
9 Dexter knew the superintendent well enough now to chance his arm occasionally and probe into her personal life when she was sober .
10 Roll the window down just enough to make yourself heard and tell them help is on the way .
11 In a flash of inspiration , they replaced the oil with mashed bananas , which lubricated the engine just long enough to get them to civilisation .
12 After holding her gaze just long enough to finalise the threat he turned and went towards the front door of the house , picking up her overnight bag from the terrace as he went .
13 But she was examining her own reflection far too anxiously to notice .
14 At the back occasional noises of activity from the park broke across the air ; she sat in the front room cool enough now to sew .
15 I 'm going , for work experience I 'm going to Saxted Ministry up there hopefully to see what it 's like looking after children you know , like a nursery and everything .
16 Once the crab had been shown by J. V. Thompson in his Zoological Researches ( 1828–34 ) to begin life as a little shrimp-like creature , and the barnacle perhaps more surprisingly to do the same before settling down in middle age , then the unity of plan in the group became more evident .
17 Do make sure that you get the ball down quickly enough to run it ; avoid jumping bounces that get caught by the slope .
18 If it is in a smooth plastic pot , and there is insufficient root coming through to prevent movement ( i.e. the plant is pot bound ) , it should be possible to slide the pot away just enough to see if the root ball is held intact by root action .
19 He lifted his head just as abruptly to scan her shattered face with a cool , challenging glitter in his eyes .
20 Stand the tin of syrup in hot water just long enough to make the syrup thin , runny and warm — not hot .
21 In an age when much more business is project-oriented when it is increasingly a case of throw it at the wall and see what sticks ( perhaps in the public sector they really wish they did n't have to be so careful with the dosh and could similarly try things out more just to see what might work ) , the role of the chief exec is to empower the team and keep informed of progress ( half a side of A4 and no hyperbole please ) .
22 Many banks , for example , lacked proper reserves and lent money far too easily to finance the stock market speculation .
23 Here is an extract from such a letter , written in 1863 by Charlie Thomson , who had gone to Australia not long before to make his fortune :
24 Some of the village children took the trouble not long ago to collect the present-day names of the animals on the farms .
25 That 's what I did , yesterday morning went with my mate came back , stuck it on so it 's cost me the , the pads were seventeen twenty , thirty pound for the what 's a name and fifty quid near enough just to do the front brakes .
26 The Chancellor was quick to welcome the signs of recovery and repeat his view that he has cut interest rates far enough already to ensure a recovery .
27 They took their teaching role seriously enough also to inaugurate staff development programmes of various kinds .
28 Good , okay well let's take some details from you and what I 'll do is I 'll register your details onto our mailing list so that erm , anything that 's coming onto the market you 'll get a phone call on straight away to let you know but also I 'll then check and see what we 've got that might suit your requirements at the moment .
29 The student switches on the tape recorder just long enough to record his utterance , then passes the microphone to another learner to continue the conversation .
30 Place a cane in the ground then make a small planting hole just deep enough to cover the roots .
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