Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [art] [noun pl] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The siege ended on Tuesday when a police marksman shot Pringle in the jaw from a house across the street .
2 vehicles garaged in certain Rating Districts where the claims experience has been particularly satisfactory .
3 Irresistible Force , Femi B , Richie Hawkins and others ) , and he 's also planning to continue organising parties when The Shamen world tour ends in January .
4 There are two main methods by which the purchaser can raise the cash : through a share issue namely a rights issue or a cash placing .
5 An hour and a half later a police wagon pulled up at the dock , and out from the back climbed a bleary-eyed Howard escorted by two gendarmes .
6 A few weeks later the appointments committee asked him back for another interview ; only one other candidate remained on the shortlist .
7 Ten days ago a police bullet had hit the explosive which Terry Place had hidden in a carrier bag in the tunnel .
8 Yet its origin goes back hundreds of years , to the days when the women camp followers of the mighty Persian armies slept in their scarlet silk tents .
9 He had a bad moment between Chiswick and Richmond when a police car stayed on his tail for half a mile .
10 But lets just notice two or three things in this particular interview , the first thing that we see and its so obvious is that the way of salvation is so wondrously simple , it could n't be easier , you know there are so many people who think it is hard to get saved , who think it is hard to come to Christ and to become a Christian , well the problem is you see the devil has blinded their eyes , they 've blinded the eyes of men and women , so that they think that they ca n't do this , but what is actually happened , Paul tells us in , in , in Carinthians in the first er , in to Carinthians in chapter four and verse four , he says the god of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ , who is the image of god , and there is this shroud , this covering , but the thing is god takes that away so that we can see and so its not difficult to become a Christian , it is not hard to get saved , sometimes as Christians we are guilty of making it difficult for people to become Christians , we put all sorts of rules in , we , we make them undergo various periods of er , of probation before we wer we 've were , were willing to call them Christians , remember the Philippine jailer he cried out there to the apostle Paul who was er in jail there with Silus the , the be , the tremendous earthquake and they were released all their vetoers was , were broken and the prisoners were all , could of escaped and the ja , the Philippine jailer he cries out a question that I 'm sure he does n't even know what he means when he calls it out , he 's not thinking of heaven , he 's not thinking of the future life , he 's not thinking of having his sins dealt with but he just cries out what must I do to be saved and the apostle Paul and he gets , opens the scrolls and he starts in genesis and he explains the plan of salvation and he tells him what he 's got to do and he explains all the requirements and then about three or four hours later the mans mind is completely blurred he does n't understand a word of it , its gone way beyond him
11 A few minutes later a police jeep screeched to a halt outside .
12 Minutes later every police station in the Metropolitan area was receiving a description of a man and instructions for every beat officer to keep an eye open , to spot but not approach , to radio back to the police station and tail the suspect but not intervene .
13 An hour later a police constable went to the house to confirm Mr Hutchinson 's fears .
14 Ever since then he has been solidly in the ranks of the anti-Establishment , commenting in his work on the political evils of the day particularly the arms buildup of recent years .
15 The company does not object to moustaches , and in this promotional video almost every UPS worker seems to have one .
16 The meeting comes on a day when the roads minister announced improvements to reduce noise impact .
17 Environmental , turned out immediately that we telephoned them to say there was a flood in on the , and they were ex extremely fast and very efficient , and they came back later in the day when the Highways Authority still had n't erm responded to our calls .
18 The crash happened yesterday morning when the goods train left the rails as it entered Maidstone East station .
19 Yeah so please your worships it was the twenty first of June in the morning when the police officer was on duty on the Aces Accrington at Worley he had occasion to stop the vehicle which was being driven by Mr and he noticed that the excise licence which was being displayed had in fact , expired at the end of March .
20 may please Your Worships it was the twenty first of June in the morning when the police officer was on duty on the A six eight , the Acrington road to Worley .
21 This may be a particular area where the records manager 's experience of other media and enabling litigation may be particularly valuable .
22 Harvest in July and August when the stems collapse .
23 This is a state where the arms industry provides a large number of jobs .
24 The courses at Edinburgh ( one of only four universities in Britain where an honours degree in Sanskrit may be taken ) aim to provide a detailed study of the manifold achievements , both secular and religious , of that civilisation .
25 From Janet 's Foss my way led across the road and through a gate where the Dales Park have placed a plaque telling me that this is Gordale Scar and to keep to the path .
26 For Bill too the Mariners Hall is a welcome altrenative to a night on the street .
27 Just 24 hours earlier a Sports Council spokeswoman , defending the drug tests , declared : ‘ How do you think the competitors would feel if our findings were proved wrong ?
28 The project intends to test this possibly by investigating the impact of group discussion on children 's explanations of floating and sinking , and of motion down an inclines plane .
29 They should , for that matter , hand out a runners-up trophy too a replica of Wembley would do so the beaten finalists would have more than forced smiles to parade on homecoming day .
30 How do we know that the laws of nature are not really like laws of a game of chess , but played on a chess board where the laws change as you go from place to place on the chess board , which is a very more complicated situation than an ordinary chess game where the laws are the same no matter where the pieces are .
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