Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] i [vb base] for " in BNC.

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1 Firstly can I say thank you to Asda and Long Eaton who I work for for allowing me the day off so I can come into Radio Nottingham .
2 Er my Lord er the second observation I make about erm Mr opinion erm and the facts upon which it is based is that his opinion is hotly disputed er , not least because of what it would be submitted is the highly speculative nature of this enterprise er , when you are being asked to consider with the benefit of hindsight , whether or not a business entered into some eighty years ago , was likely to have failed and er it is also an exercise which in my submission is entirely irrelevant if your Lordship would find the basis of compensation which I contend for is the one because the logic of not having to become involved in any investigation of whether or not this business would probably have been unsuccessful in any event .
3 I have one or two such places up my sleeve which I save for difficult days but I do n't spoil it by going to them too often .
4 My Lords , before the Noble Lord sits down , perhaps I could ask him to remember , he was saying s how , how splendidly the Lord Chancellor and the Chancellor of the Duchy appointed magistrates and I entirely agree , but they appoint them , not from a list that they 've constructed themselves , they appoint them because the keepers of the roles for respective counties propose names to them which they very carefully er selected by the very special and an an and complicated process of of er of er of of examination of people whose names come forward , I find in my case that only one-third of the people whom I interview for this purpose with my Committee er are the ones which I 've I propose .
5 On the strength of the discussion I have drafted a supplementary response to the WTB which I enclose for your information .
6 We have just sent a supplementary response to the WTB which I enclose for information .
7 I reflect with sadness upon the emotional hiatus which I have for England .
8 ‘ Have you any idea what I do for a living , Christine ? ’
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