Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [conj] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Far from being grateful , she complained of the smell within and declared that sleeping in the open air had its merits .
2 One of his most senior colleagues , Mr Michael Heseltine , the Environment Secretary , indicated that , if the Tories were the biggest party in a hung Parliament , Mr Major would draw up a programme of legislation and put it to the vote in Parliament rather than seeking any formal deal with the Liberal Democrats or Ulster Unionists .
3 The other answer is that erm certainly some trials have been done with patients not being diagnosed by a computer , but by giving initial information like their age , their date of birth , erm where the pain is , etc. erm actually interacting themselves with the computer , and studies have shown curiously that patients actually prefer to use a computer rather than to give this information to a doctor .
4 Why do animals perform their restrained ritual contests rather than fighting all out straight away ?
5 To gain the maximum benefit from each interview ( if you are aiming to learn a proper selection technique rather than treat each interview selection as a one-off event ) you should do a thorough follow-up .
6 The penalties against fat women are so extreme that women continue to starve themselves and buy useless diet products rather than endure such humiliation and exclusion .
7 The Directors of Waterford Wedgwood UK plc are committed to managing the Group 's operations so as to minimise any adverse environmental impact .
8 In McEllistrim v The Ballymacelligott Co-op Agricultural & Dairy Society [ 1919 ] AC 548 a co-operative society had changed its rules so as to prevent any member from selling milk other than to the society .
9 The designation is a form of landscape protection only and has little value in nature conservation terms .
10 We do n't , we turned the valve off , we take a bunch of newspapers and put it on top of the bricks , then we light the newspaper , then we go back and turn the valve on and let this hundred octane mixture of oil drip on the bricks and it would burn .
11 In other words , Sergeant Wilson ( who has since left the force ) agreed to compromise to enhance his career opportunities rather than present any challenge to the system .
12 At dawn yesterday , Group Four piled on the pressure , catching the tides right and putting more distance between herself and the rest of the fleet as she approached Southampton .
13 The simplest solution might appear to be to ban battery cages altogether and keep all hens free range or in percheries : but this presupposes that these alternatives really are better for the birds .
14 I admire Leslie Kenton greatly and share many of her ideas , but bear in mind that dogs are predominately carnivores , and they thrive on good quality meat and protein , which their systems are designed to digest .
15 By the autumn of 1837 , he had developed this analogy so as to understand all long-run trends in diversification and progress through an arboriform extrapolation , on a changing but stable Lyellian earth 's surface , of successive species propagations ; these being analogous to the successive bud propagations whereby any tree grows , with many buds ending without branching , in species extinctions , while other buds branch without ending , in species multiplications .
16 ‘ We can all put photographs , pictures and words together and create some sort of image . ’
17 Cross-references direct students to compound nouns , opposites , confusables , and related words so that they understand words better and learn more vocabulary
18 He was then to return home at once via Montreal , using his Thomas Leavy identity on re-entering the United States so as to avoid any tell-tale entry stamp in his passport .
19 Lay the herring fillets skin side down and put some of the finely chopped onion and gherkin mixture on each .
20 so , but she said on the day when she come over and she getting a letter off the Social about what interest we pay on the house she 's got , she says they do n't pay any , she 's , for last two or three years , they have n't paid any , she had to fill his side in and send all his side to Halifax or whatever , she 's er
21 His long term objective is to re-establish the economic basis of Berlin by persuading researchers of industry to put their heads together and devise some new products .
22 and up the steps out of the underground there was this lass there and I , I ca n't help it I mean I 'm always aware of the fact of having this twenty five year old child , so offspring and there was a girl roughly about his age or slightly younger and she was grey you know that translucent look your skin gets when you 're not eating properly you know that grey sort of pallor and I had an overnight bag in one hand and a briefcase and a handbag in the other and I remember I walked past her and she was begging and I had gone to the sleeper and I 'm sitting there and I 'm thinking you bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep , you could of put briefcase down , overnight bag down , handbag down and got some money out .
23 He is very affectionate , and I would n't be without him now , and he has been to the vet 's for his injections so as to avoid another disaster .
24 Of course , he had known they would use the Microwave Gun on him ; they always did when he was up in front of somebody , whenever he was at a disadvantage anyway and needed all the help he could get , whenever he was going for an interview for a job , or being asked things by the Social security people or even clerks in the Post Office .
25 One of the men was passing round a big china bowl into which money was being thrown , and as Sabine watched Marie-Christine began , with raucous and vociferous encouragement from the men , to lift her skirt demurely and reveal more and more of one shapely leg .
26 It 's the same as everything and everybody and because er they were satisfied with it , they wanted some more and they took the old lo lock off and put some more on what I 'd made , see what I mean .
27 One of the highest scoring fighter pilots of the Battle of Britain , Bob Doe has written an interesting book that goes a good deal further than describing some of his exploits in the Battle .
28 And that would have been time enough if you had n't shot your mouth off and brought that foul man roaring round here … ’
29 In 1944 , Bryn Weare more than repaid that debt by fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Resistance and he 's proud to repay it once more in 1992 .
30 Diana drafted her reply carefully and made several attempts at matching the frosty tone which Philip had used in his .
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