Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All were prescribed as painkillers , with both Zomax and Opren widely prescribed for arthritic patients .
2 When is a building sufficiently furnished for full habitation ?
3 Where was that traditional British reserve only abandoned for cloying camaraderie under the influence of injuriously vast quantities of alcohol ?
4 Home responsibilities protection only counts for full tax years , which is a disadvantage , since most of us do not arrange our lives from April to April .
5 The ornaments recovered from Neolithic cemeteries in the Rhine and Danube basins show that the shells most favoured for personal adornment were those of the mussel Spondylus gaederopus from which were fashioned necklaces , pendants and bracelets .
6 In the New Testament Jesus uses two images to convey God 's extravagant concern for the world : one is the shepherd who risks the rest of the flock in order to go searching for the lost sheep ; the other is the woman who turns a house upside down looking for lost coins .
7 Their inspectors merely called for visual inspections and dye penetrant checks , as opposed to the ultrasonic testing called for in the UK .
8 He effectively cast his own vote against the Islamic trend by calling on his subjects not to vote for extremist religious ideologies — a move which could prove counter-productive .
9 When Midland Amalgamated headhunted him for the MD 's job at Pringle 's they offered him a Rover 3500 Vanden Plas , but Vic stuck out for the Jaguar , a car normally reserved for divisional chairmen , and to his great satisfaction he had got one , even though it was n't quite new .
10 Ford claims the new versions of the Ford Escort and the Mercury Tracer are the cleanest-running cars ever approved for mass production in the world .
11 ‘ Yeah , ’ the night manager said with the dry kind of irony usually reserved for flying pigs and hell freezing over .
12 Using a shampoo specially formulated for permed hair is one way to combat the damage caused .
13 Some privately employed labour also works for non-profit-making bodies .
14 Gorbachev also called for international regulation to protect zones with a " unique place in nature " , especially the Antarctic .
15 So shocking was the defeat that some of Levi 's supporters openly called for mass resignation from the Likud and the formation of their own independent list .
16 13 1 ) that a man from Sybaris and another from Siris , both Italian towns , were among Agariste 's suitors at Sikyon ; and some of the poets patronized by the western Greeks had experience of mainland monarchy — Pindar and Simonides both wrote for Sicilian patrons : Pindar composed the Tenth Pythian , his earliest poem , for the Thessalian Thorax of Larisa , and Simonides had been patronized by Polykrates of Samos and Pisistratus of Athens in turn .
17 This effect also obtains for total eurobonds , in which case it is likely to proxy the uncertainty and adverse interest rate expectations caused by a falling dollar .
18 By contrast with diamonds , which were too hard to be ground smooth and could only be mounted as natural crystals until medieval lapidaries had learned how to cut them , coloured transparent stones continued to be shaped by the time honoured methods originally devised for opaque stones .
19 Once requisitioned , vessels originally built for commercial purposes had to be adapted for military ones .
20 Opportunities now exist for Senior Technicians to make a valid contribution in two specific areas of this important field of research .
21 It says : ’ Such concentration on meeting the Government guarantee , and use of funds originally earmarked for other purposes for YT , inevitably means that other aspects of our proposed programme may suffer and that we also neglect the long term development of Youth Training itself . ’
22 This is considerably larger than any figure previously reported for surrendered personnel in the 5 Corps area ( although Macmillan had spoken in his diary of " 400,000 Germans " , nothing approaching this figure had been formally reported ) .
23 Their work culminated in the drug Tagamet or cimetidine , soon widely adopted as the most effective remedy yet discovered for gastric overacidity and gastric and duodenal ulcers .
24 Marketing for Directors — a two-day programme specifically designed for managing directors , CEOs and executive board members to enable them to set marketing in its corporate perspective .
25 Projects already undertaken for pharmaceutical customers have involved removal of plant and equipment contaminated with low-levels of radioactivity and other hazardous materials .
26 Two months after the military crackdown in Beijing in June 1989 , it was announced that university student intake would be cut from 640,000 to 610,000 in the next academic year , and that " specialities mainly in the social science fields which the State has deemed for a long time to have turned out personnel not qualified for socialist construction " would be suspended .
27 In an unusual concession to a man once pilloried daily for his association with the Cultural Revolution and Mao 's despised widow Jiang Qing , his remains were cremated at Peking 's Babaoshan cemetery , a privilege normally reserved for senior cadres .
28 For the purposes of s 287(1) , the meaning of the term should be confined to releases not given for full consideration , on the grounds that such a limitation was required by the context of s 287(1) itself and by the provisions of TA 1970 relating to company distributions as a whole ( ss 233–237 and 282–286 ) .
29 In view of the high profile nature of lifts in a hotel , the contracts normally include for special attention to be given to the cosmetics of the lift installation .
30 Sums of money not required for immediate use can be put into a deposit account on which the bank will pay interest .
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