Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] it at " in BNC.

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1 One inmate then aimed it at the perimeter fence of trouble-torn Lindholme jail , Doncaster , as other prisoners pelted warders with bricks .
2 Tuesdays and Thursdays we though were good days so leave it at them .
3 ‘ We call it that because the body only produces it at night , ’ says pioneering researcher Dr Alfred Lewy of the Oregon Health Sciences Uni-versity in America .
4 Exactly and if you do n't pay it , and there are a few silly old so and sos not paying it at the moment , I mean the rest of us have had to pa
5 Here the general principle is that those who receive the largest amount of money overall receive it at the least frequent intervals and rank highest in the hierarchy of power .
6 She had a terrible urge just to chuck it at Evelyn 's feet and run away , but she knew if she did that there was a chance she might burst into tears .
7 His 19th C. biographer Charles Roeder tentatively puts it at 1000 finished pictures ; and the constant flow of visitors to his annual exhibitions in Ambleside and Keswick must have been responsible for carrying his work all over Britain .
8 A farmer had a load of unwanted sawdust so piled it at the end of his drive with a notice : ‘ Free sawdust — help yourself ’ .
9 In those days before altimeters , height could be deduced , given the availability of a barometer , by the simple process of recording the mercury column before take-off then reading it at intervals during the flight .
10 He just sits g , he , he just , you know , it 's , it 's a waste Dave just sees it at because it 's different if they were hard up
11 This may seem the predictable conclusion to a scenario involving , as unions and Opposition politicians indeed presented it at the start , the injection of a ‘ private sector hatchet man ’ at the top of a highly sensitive public sector organisation .
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