Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 In Fox 's case , practice obviously goes a long way to making perfect .
2 The stock still has a long way to go before its regains the 780p level at which its stood in early April before a warning of a slow-down in sales .
3 The mounted soldier still had a long way to go and his influence was very considerable in the whole period covered by this book .
4 Mr Rockoff now sports a long grey beard and was often in evidence , smoking fat cigarettes .
5 Experience has shown that the local appropriation of this programme often requires a long process of gestation and steady , patient work .
6 The Currabinny Community Association then provided a long list of other sources of responsible relevant information .
7 The town and its surrounding rural communities already had a long tradition of Dissent , but just over 20 miles to the east the situation in Doncaster was very different .
8 However , if the arbitrageur already holds a long position in those shares which can not be sold short , short selling these shares can be replaced by the liquidation of some or all of the arbitrageur 's existing long positions .
9 Purists still demand the long trudge with the Atco cylinder-mower , the old one with the heavy roller and the polished-brass gas tank .
10 At the other end of the size scale , Fiat Geotech 's takeover of Ford New Holland has now been signed , though changes to the two product lines still seem a long way off .
11 It is sad that a man with so many good qualities should have led so many down the wrong path , damaging the sport he obviously loves , but I feel that the Charlie Francis story still has a long way to go .
12 But Samantha 's freedom still seemed a long way off .
13 Mum always made a long list of groceries she needed but some days she bought even more things because there was so much to choose from .
14 Supply side estimates ignore long term changes in land and construction costs and in consequence probably overestimate the long run level of effective demand .
15 The Times also carried a long interview with Jacob Manor .
16 The Course also goes a long way to accommodate the not uncommon student experience of making a mistaken choice of degree subject .
17 The top still looked a long way away .
18 Thankfully that day still seems a long way off .
19 Bladder control at night sometimes happens a long time after control in the day , and as with daytime training , it 's best to wait until a child shows signs of being able to develop control .
20 Suddenly he gave a frightened start , for he had nearly fallen asleep and the ground below seemed a long distance away .
21 The theory thus involves a long phase of stillstand with a sea level considerably lower than the present one in the latter part of the Tertiary period immediately prior to the Ice Age .
22 Our prospective visitor bowed to the inevitable and wrote to us : ‘ Owing to procedure for obtaining a visa usually taking a long time it seems impossible to start our work at the date you suggested .
23 Travellers today said the Charter was a step forward , but BR still had a long way to go .
24 Dried pastas have a shelf-life in excess of a year and frozen pastas also have a long shelf-life under proper conditions .
25 The Andes also have a long history of human occupation which has transformed the landscape .
26 In Spain , for instance , no railway station had a hotel attached and passengers often had a long distance to travel from stations to reach their ultimate destination .
27 Kuypers then started a long series of collaborative studies in which injuries to some of these connections in the monkey 's brain were correlated with the defects they produced in performance of movements ; the poising of an arm , for instance , to carry out an operation with the fingers could be dissociated from the ability to use the fingers skilfully .
28 The day to day process of making capital investment decisions in our major corporations allocates the resources of society thereby having a long term impact upon the organizations involved and ultimately upon us all .
29 Concepts like privacy and confidentiality still threaten the long term preservation of nominal records .
30 Resuming the journey from Stone House Bridge , the road now starts a long climb to its summit , rising gently at first and with the Dee an inseparable companion alongside .
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