Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 All too often sensible Tories at conference had to endure the views of unsound parsons and leftish Mayors , an aberration which was soon to be submerged beneath a torrent of party oratory , obsequious loyalty and special pleading .
2 When the tsar died at the beginning of 1725 there were twelve Russian diplomatic missions at work in different European capitals , a figure which was not to be significantly exceeded for the rest of the eighteenth century .
3 If we decide , in the case of the baptism study , that we must carry out fieldwork to collect data which is not to be found in already published sources we must consider how best to utilize what resources we have .
4 There was a small disturbance early yesterday , it emerges , at the famous entrance which is soon to be closed by Mrs Thatcher 's ornamental security gates .
5 Alan was in London talking business with his agent , Audrey Ellison , when she just happened to mention a letter she had received from a friend in Budapest about a young pianist who was about to be hauled into the Hungarian army to do his national service .
6 These in turn become massively overdetermined , regenerative and self-justifying , creating an institutional mind which , although allegedly acting on behalf of society and the majority population , comes to regard that same group as outsiders and potential antagonists who are never to be accorded easy access to the processes of the organization .
7 It 's Twickenham once more for Bicester RFC who are through to the final again after seeing off Altrincham Kersal in the semis .
8 If the vehicle is driven by an employee who is not to be summonsed for any offence , a statement should be requested as he should be dealt with as a witness .
9 if you think that was muddy … you ai n't seen nothing yet … because on Friday we 're off to the Forest of Dean with the Mad Dogs of Gloucestershire
10 And just finally , on Friday we are in to the we 've been invited into a bags competition , you know , that 's after the bags actually means bookmakers afternoon greyhound services , and we race that every Friday as you know erm anyway we 've been invited to erm a national championship involving the other bags tracks that erm involved in this erm and so we stage our two heats on Friday .
11 The vast majority of these incomplete schools are in rural areas where classes are also large — the teachers ' union COLPROSUMAH claims that in some rural schools there are up to 120 children in a classroom .
12 At other times in action there were up to 630 men in a Commando .
13 In daylight they are only to be seen from ships at sea , when the two smaller petrels appear all dark birds with white rumps as they flutter and dance across the waves .
14 Sir William ) Clarke , a solicitor , on condition they were not to be shown to anyone without the consent of himself and the syndicate .
15 As a result he is down to 7-1 third favourite for the Champion and the way he is improving he could end up shorter still .
16 Since Philip was challenging Henry II 's right to hold Alice , Brittany and the Vexin it was up to him to take the initiative .
17 Supported with some powerful sound effects and swelling music , this rare treat it has toured Europe and north America , and after the Phoenix it is off to Africa , so catch it while you can .
18 Gram for gram it is up to 200 times sweeter than sugar and on average three times sweeter than aspartame .
19 ‘ If I keep my place on Saturday it is up to me to show composure and stability at the back .
20 From now on ignorance will be no excuse and if a doctor gives a pill or an injection it is up to each player to make sure it 's not on the list of banned medicines .
21 For rock it 's off to the beach — in our case probably Skegness which carries a wide variety of large pebbles of many geological types .
22 Then it 's that person 's prerogative it 's up to him if he wants to show everyone else where the water is .
23 Dexter leant forward across the table to hear better what was about to be said .
24 The 1970 Act required the EPA to prescribe NAAQSs which were not to be exceeded in any region more than one day per year , or during more than a limited period within that day ( table 8.1 ) .
25 Codes and cyphers still gave some protection against this , and in one or two cases at least cryptography was carried in the seventeenth century to a level which was not to be surpassed for generations to come .
26 Others have drawn attention to the weak political culture : ‘ I perceive the most significant structural defect of our democracy in the lethargy and apathy which are increasingly to be found within our parties and other groups …
27 My exposure to the energy and subtle abilities of my Subud brothers in Java had so ignited my optimism and sense of wonder concerning our hidden natures that I had wangled my way into Lancaster University 's Department of Comparative Religion to write a doctorate on transformational consciousness , in a field which was later to be referred to as psycho-anthropology .
28 Under section 89(2) and ( 3 ) the company may allot shares in accordance with that provision which is not to be treated as inconsistent with section 89(1) within the meaning of section 91 .
29 Shortly before I visited Lindow Moss , Britain had just wasted £100 million in futile repairs to a submarine which is now to be scrapped .
30 Attractive well presented property set in sought after village which is just to the north east of Oxford .
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