Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb base] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For these reasons I prefer to use the phrase ‘ rules for changing the rules ’ ( Bateson , 1976 ) .
2 I alternate the direction of these strokes , imitating the direction I use to apply the pastel in the first place .
3 I alternate the direction of these strokes , imitating the direction I use to apply the pastel in the first place .
4 Er Chairman I want to make a point relative , very quick point relative to the northern bypass so Mr said that officers are proceeding with the preparation of possible routes , will you undertake that er members be er , er advised of er these discussions before it reaches committee stage ?
5 But before leaving this matter of persistence I want to mention a few special cases of persistence on a finer scale .
6 ‘ I can take any debts you might have on to my books and raise the money I need to start the business off , but I must tell you one thing , ’ Emily said , ‘ I am not rich , do n't make that mistake , I need the business to succeed or I 'm finished . ’
7 At this stage of the itinerary I propose to suspend the journey south and visit the eastern glens .
8 The only leverage I have to make the users act rationally is to show them the effect these price hikes have on my book fund , about which they are just a tad sensitive .
9 If I do not get a satisfactory reply I intend to pursue every possible means to draw the public 's attention to this iniquitous state of affairs , which for a big company like P & O is an absolute disgrace .
10 In this chapter I propose to link the idea of subjective knowledge to an exploration of the insider 's personal history .
11 Dr P J Connelly , Consultant Geriatrician Murray Royal Hospital , Perth In this talk I hope to cover the questions of what Day Hospital Care is , and to whom it should be given .
12 Over the coming months I expect to see the Inland Revenue , the Customs and Excise and the DTI increasingly at work in an area ripe for their activities .
13 Usually when designing pictures I tend to use a particular leaf or flower because of its shape , colour or texture , and pay no attention to its species or variety .
14 For short-line fishing I like to have a line with some stretch ; it complements the shock-absorber effect of the rod .
15 Bonanza Boy , one of my old favourites , has been a remarkable horse over the years and I am a touch sad in having to desert him for a horse I consider to have a better chance .
16 Naturopathy : a system of medicine involving different natural methods which help to stimulate the body 's vital force .
17 The FRED retains the proposal made in the Discussion Paper , which was supported by the majority of respondents , that convertible debt should be accounted for entirely as a liability until such time as it is actually converted , in preference to methods which seek to reflect the dual nature of convertible debt as part liability and part equity .
18 In addition to the relationship display which is incorporated into the alphabetical list of subject terms , thesauri often incorporate other lists which help to show the relationships between terms .
19 These are generally either thermal or electrostatic units which tend to offer a cheaper solution than buying an interface and a good quality matrix printer but the results obtained tend to be less professional .
20 When you are approaching your period these are the hormones which help to reduce the amount of discomfort ( physical and emotional ) that you feel .
21 The comprehensive schools which endeavour to fit the young people of Looe , Liskeard and Saltash for today 's society are continuing a tradition that has lasted since John Buller of Shillingham , near Saltash , set out partially to remedy ‘ … the great and deplorable corruption of the present age , both in principle and practice . ’
22 Reviewing the literature of the 1960s , we find a number of schools which appear to challenge the Morgenthau paradigm because they use different concepts .
23 Government compounds all these problems when it sets down working parameters which fail to reflect the value the country gets from a system that is run efficiently , can shift people to destinations with exemplary speed and safety — as Europe consistently demonstrates .
24 However if the glucose is maintained high , in other words if the stimulus is sustained , what we see is a succession of depolarizing spikes , and the reason we see it is because this elevation of free calcium , not only leads to a insulin secretion , it also leads to the opening of calcium activated K channels which tend to hyperpolarize the membrane .
25 In two recent books which attempt to examine the philosophy and practice of a radical adult education , the only substantial references to education for trade unionists are historical ; yet both books were conceived at a time of unparalleled expansion in trade union education , underpinned by a sizeable government grant and the first statutory entitlements to paid educational leave for working-class people that Britain has ever experienced .
26 Several series are accompanied by books which aim to help the individual work alone with the video materials , and one , Framework English is specifically described as a self-study course .
27 There are two standard classes of A.I. algorithm which are guaranteed admissible : ( i ) breadth-first strategies which explore every possible path in pseudo-parallel , and ( ii ) A* type algorithms which try to take the score of the whole path into account .
28 The small , frightened freedoms that we enjoy are underpinned by a global system that requires that they be paid for by rigorous and intensifying dispossession of the poor of the earth , the destruction of the resource-base , the ousting of indigenous peoples who happen to occupy the last remaining deposits of ‘ raw materials ’ to which the global market now stakes its superior claim .
29 You have the choice of running the program in CGA or EGA , this depends on the command you type to run the program .
30 We 're referring mainly to the 500ft or 150 metre brigade who seem to find the cost of a reel prohibitive .
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