Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [pers pn] would [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Although Ceauşescu kept open the question of who would succeed him as both Party leader and head of state , by the 1980s there were only two candidates whom he would tolerate in the necessary launching-pad positions around him .
2 The aim of this introductory study ( ‘ prolegomena ’ ) was to make clear the basis for the entire enterprise and the methods which it would use , and the emphasis on ‘ the doctrine of the Word of God ’ signalled Barth 's intention to ground it on God 's own revelation of himself and nothing else .
3 He did not think that Ramsey would be interested in the load of administration which he would have to carry .
4 Against such a background he perceives , in terms echoed a year later by Michael Young , that the eleven-plus is ‘ likely to cause the working-classes now to lose many of the critical tentacles which they would have retained years ago and that a new caste system might prove to be at least as rigid as the old ’ .
5 You can then take vesicles which you would have prepared erm biochemically , either through first purifying your protein or , more crudely , a er a s a partially purified membrane fraction , and fuse those with the artificial bilayer .
6 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
7 She did not accept that within a more open-ended task , all children could experience success by setting themselves goals which they would work towards accomplishing .
8 ‘ No , ’ said McAllister in her turn , face white , and trembling as though to lose her post would be the tragedy which it would have been to the servant she was pretending to be .
9 After that exercise we spent an hour and a half preparing for the case study which we would have to accomplish the next day .
10 I want to ask the Minister why his two Back-Bench colleagues from Wolverhampton did not nominate the schools which they would wish to see closed or from which they would like to have surplus places taken away .
11 Such a religion as Christianity is a symbolic distortion of the relationships which I would have .
12 Perhaps this position can best be tested by taking an extreme example — a crime which it would seem to be impossible to accept as being within the ‘ normal ’ range of human motivations : sexual abuse of children .
13 Fluctuations in the value of the pound were , however , to be made up in Marks and Spencer underwear which we would get our friends to mail out from Britain .
14 In terms of the A sixty four south , although it is a a dual carriageway , again it is operating at capacity in in in the stretch which you would need to serve the new settlement .
15 On that basis of the civil law , the majority of the Supreme Court of Canada held in Montreal Tramways v. Leveille [ 1933 ] 4 D.L.R. 337 , that when a child not actually born at the time of an accident was subsequently born alive and viable , it was clothed with all the rights of action which it would have had if actually in existence at the date of the accident to the mother .
16 my bargaining power is based on the losses which you would suffer if you were to agree or disagree with my proposal
17 Neither William nor Charles Frederick had quite the severity of countenance which one associates with Benjamin James : William in his twenties had a pleasant and confident face , with a full mouth which he would allow to be overgrown by a drooping and slightly unkempt moustache in later years .
18 When she asked the 56 children in the study who they would go to if worried about something , they chose their mother ; not one said they would go to their father .
19 In other words what you would have got
20 An imaginative " thinking what I would think , if I was in their place " is something which has to be worked at .
21 The People 's Daily tells the Chinese what they are supposed to believe ; Mr Yang tells foreigners what he would like them to believe .
22 There was no doubt in anyone 's mind what we would do .
23 He had a light lunch in a small sandwich bar off the street called Crutched Friars , where monks once hobbled with one leg bound behind them to cause pain for the greater glory of God , and he made up his mind what he would do .
24 There was no doubt in my mind what I would do and I 've never regretted going into the business because we 've seen it grow enormously .
25 When we ask the average PPL what they would do to set up a descent whilst maintaining their present speed , they reply — after some thought — is invariably , " I 'll reduce power , but I shall not have to change the attitude . "
26 The second point being that erm if a figure was to be identified for Greater York , we 'd feel that this would er unduly interfere with our duties and responsibilities as a District Council to allocate land in our district , cos in effect what it would do is direct us to making a housing allocation in one particular settlement , Shipton , we feel that 's our responsibility not the County Council .
27 The attendance at St Stephen 's did not happen for reasons which he would explain , and I was sorry to have missed it .
28 The murder had only occurred ten minutes before , but the old man already saw himself in the role of vital witness , and was polishing the phrases in a story which he would tell many times .
29 Even in that situation you would probably be rescued by a passing cruise ship , on board which they would stuff you endlessly with food to compensate for the boredom of the interminable view of the sea .
30 I must say that the way the discussion has gone this morning , is n I would say , slightly disappointing because there is some attempt to make a positive contribution , but at the moment it 's not necessarily pointing us quite in the direction which we would hope to go .
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