Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [adv] need [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , as a watercolourist I often need to flood an entire paper 's surface with water .
2 This is a difficult boundary-value problem , but using the method of images we only need to determine the electric flux density due to the two point charges .
3 Thus to prove the theorem we only need to show that for each i , j such that unc we have
4 Janet Harmer reports on the action they still need to take to meet their projected targets
5 On the positive side , parental support helps when it is in co-ordination with respect and belief in the coach who really needs to take over the job .
6 By precisely wallowing in her own guilt and self pity she then needs to heighten her self esteem .
7 In this case you still need to deal with yourself .
8 I could not help feeling that this particular meeting of ours proved a milestone , at least for me ; and thereafter I found it easier to get through to him , as in after years I sometimes needed to do , on that wavelength .
9 With a little more confidence you barely need to get your feet wet .
10 For our purposes you just need to take any bit , either the beginning , the middle or the end , that seem to be the best bit , the interesting bit .
11 Now because we , we 've done so much business we now need to look after it ourselves
12 In the past decade , however , we have also learnt that to understand the physics of a solid we seldom need to know the ‘ complete structure ’ ; in most cases the ‘ local structure ’ is sufficient .
13 It turns out ( though we are not going to prove it here ) that the exact shape of the current loop is immaterial ( not unreasonable if the loop is far away ) and in the general case we only need to replace unc by S , the area of the loop .
14 A couple of things I really need to get off my chest .
15 Changes I now need to make
16 Clarify is also more tightly focused than the rest , targeting the industry itself as its initial customer base pursuing hardware , software , networking , telecoms , test equipment and medical systems suppliers who desperately need to improve the homegrown support offered their customers ( very often dependent on the ubiquitous yellow Post-It note ) and realise this issue is increasingly becoming a vendor selection mechanism as well as a revenue generator .
17 To make sure that you get a shorter sleeve without a narrower top you simply need to reduce the number of rows worked .
18 Now , there are one or two things we still need to discuss , so we 'll leave you and Mr Calder to work out some sort of timetable between yourselves . ’
19 There were questions he still needed to ask and it would n't be the first time that he had taken advantage of tiredness or grief .
20 Now on that point , for access someone now needs to pick up and write effectively a simple this is how we project planning on access .
21 Now with the new proposals , unless the government actually increase our grant and we can increase the number of customers we have , we would n't be able to see the people who really needed to see us very often .
22 A lot of people use them , families with young children and elderly people who all need to get to the shops .
23 Go in and tell the assistant you just need to try things on before you start buying anything , and enjoy the experiment .
24 This programme is aimed at the experienced manager who now needs to develop the knowledge , perspective and skills required in a general management position .
25 If , however , we accept the moral argument we still need to find adequate reasons for our belief that professional development is a good thing per se .
26 Having sorted out his long game he just needs to acquire more consistency around the green .
27 I have to warn Professor that there 's more than one party can play that game and if he thinks that it is sensible to run the affairs of this council on deliberate obstructionism on the basis that if you go on long enough you can wear people down then I think it 's unfortunate , it 's bad for this council bad for the people we serve , it does frankly nothing for local government and I ca n't blame central government if it loses patience So I recognise at the end of the day that erm Mr has had troubles with some of his erm er newcomers he obviously needs to re-establish some control over his group .
28 The growth of domestic demand was also boosted by the connection of many new consumers : the Boards naturally gave priority to the new estates and ‘ pre-fabs ’ of the postwar housing drive which urgently needed to have electricity connected .
29 If she were rich , that would n't stop her caring for children , but she could charge only a nominal fee to the mothers who badly needed to work .
30 But , of course , if you 're going to be another voice you really need to know what you 're talking about and you need to have vast access to information at least as good as all the departments who are putting forward their voices , and you need to have the time and the staff and I do n't think they always had that .
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