Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [verb] been some " in BNC.

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1 During the session there had been some debate over the selection of the ministers of finance and foreign affairs .
2 And he added : ‘ If I were an American , I would be saying thank goodness there have been some musicals to keep Broadway alive for the last 10 years . ’
3 One set of 10 pellets was left on a dry ledge against a south facing wall , and after two years there had been some erosion of the surfaces of the pellets but the pellets were still largely intact .
4 In recent years there have been some significant advances in studying the auditory system , especially in the analysis of computational maps that recode intensity and phase differences in the two ears into the representation of auditory space ( Knudsen , DuLac , and Esterly 1987 ) , but this work has focused on subcortical mechanisms .
5 In recent years there has been some evidence that they are even more evasive , changing identity by oscillating from one type of neutrino to another .
6 In recent years there has been some awareness on the part of planners of the role of rural planning policies in exaggerating the scarcity of rural housing and achieving comparatively little for those in greatest housing need .
7 In the last few years there has been some debate about the provision , role and effectiveness of postgraduate training in the social sciences in the UK .
8 But according to these figures there 's been some jiggery-pokery with the room rates .
9 Before the General Election there had been some talk of revising Crime Has No Boundaries , after Quintin Hogg had written to Heath calling for a ‘ refurbishment ’ of policies towards crime .
10 Of course there have been some minor differences of opinion .
11 Unfortunately Chairman there has been some polarization of opinion between the Norfolk and the Suffolk interests .
12 Nelson is flagging appropriate titles in its catalogue as ‘ self-access ’ , there are one or two new publishing names dipping toes in the swirling waters of EFL , and during the close season there have been some author-transfers , including David Vale from CUP to Heinemann and Alan Maley to Penguin .
13 and that 's it do n't forget about our competition … to try to pick the new manager here at the Manor ground … you know Anne there has been some thoughts they 'd like to see a women in this chair … what do you reckon
14 and that 's it do n't forget about our competition … to try to pick the new manager here at the Manor ground … you know Anne there has been some thoughts they 'd like to see a women in this chair … what do you reckon
15 In the past there 's been some disagreement between these 2 parties as to how best to manage and maintain the woods .
16 ‘ In ophthalmology there have been some problems but a new consultant has been appointed thanks to increased funding made available by this government .
17 Two hundred interviews per hour , equals one hundred interview sheets there 's been some very good cases of sexual harassment lately and
18 During the past year there have been some differences between Sir Denys and other members of the board .
19 In this country there has been some experimenting with different sorts of cell groups .
20 At Rome there had been some disagreement and even contention for more than a century on the possibility of restoration for believers who committed adultery , murder , or apostasy ( participation in idolatrous rites ) .
21 In fact there 's been some discussion of this lately , John Elston has argued that if jurors knew that that 's why they were chosen to go on the jury , it would destabilize the princi the practice of it because if you knew you were going on jury just for self-education rather than to get the right results out the other end , then this would n't give you any way of motivating yourself properly for the jury .
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