Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All I can say is that I failed , and in this particular case I regret that failure . ’
2 And I think I 'll stop right there with even more comments , erm , in case I lose that contract too .
3 It was my responsibility I brought that child into the world , and there was no way I was going to thrust her off onto other people .
4 As Wimpol becomes increasingly international in technology and operations I intend that interchange of personnel of all disciplines will increase between the regional bases of USA , UK and Singapore .
5 In some cases I opened that menu and selected exit .
6 Mum I 've that thing with a hole in it .
7 Of course I accept that ruling entirely Mr Deputy Speaker but the point I was trying to make , I am going to give the speech very briefly indeed I do assure you , is that if you 're trying to assess the numbers er and the correctness of the numbers that are being er er going to vote for and indeed the boundaries associated with those numbers , it 's a perfectly I would have thought , fair question to ask oneself as they go off er from us as to what they are going off in to er and I I do assure you Mr Deputy Speake , I do n't plan to speak more than two minutes , two to three minutes on this matter , I do hope that you will allow me just to make a very brief point on this .
8 Looking at the other titles I infer that mine is the only lecture on literature , and logically , perhaps , my title should be ‘ Literature as communication ’ .
9 Like a twat I decided that attack was the best way of preserving my job , and so I demanded that the board give me complete control over team selection , tactics , welfare etc. , with no boardroom interference whatsoever .
10 From the batch of over seventy birds I ringed that day , only one other came to light .
11 In future I believe that planning will be worse because there 'll be no sort of overview , and that it will lead to an over provision of the profitable services and inadequate provision of services like mental illness , the elderly and those with learning difficulties .
12 In my rather disgruntled frame of mind I rebelled that night against the long way round .
13 Unfortunately , well just a minute , well Richard I need that money , yeah , it 's five pound now
14 The reality that there are rights of ownership and that they are liable to , and do , conflict with those of labour can not be exorcised by pretending that they are not there ; and it is the exclusion of the public sector from the Committee 's purview which admits that reality .
15 If such an attractive new influence could be spread abroad in the world , where so many people long for a religion which has that ring of truth , the detection of which is a priceless human ability acquired down through the ages and not to be denied , there would be a growing number of adherents rallying to it .
16 Will he take particular note of the excellent report on reading by the Select Committee on Education , Science and Arts which established that reading standards have certainly not fallen and that teachers of reading should be congratulated on the excellent job that they do ?
17 Yet this America gave the world hip hop : arts which brag that ghetto values can equal their middle class opposites ; music which takes pride in the language of the marginal .
18 Temperature is another significant factor ; this is expressed in the Arrhenius equation which indicates that reaction rates approximately double for each 10° C rise in temperature .
19 Having examined the practice in different common law jurisdictions , their Lordships consider that the principles endorsed by the Jamaican Court of Appeal , particularly with regard to inconsistent previous statements , represent what will normally be an acceptable way of achieving fairness to the accused and they take the opportunity of saying that in a civilised community the most suitable ways of achieving such fairness ( which should not be immutable and require to be reconsidered from time to time ) are best left to , and devised by , the legislature , the executive and the judiciary which serve that community and are familiar with its problems .
20 Similar trends are evident in the economies of Japan , Canada and the United States which indicate that labour has shifted out of the primary sector into the service sector prior to or in parallel with the expansion of the manufacturing sector ( Singelmann , 1978 ) .
21 However reference is also made to the Smithers and Griffin ( 1986 ) study which indicated that nonstandard mature students obtained results that were either as good or better than A level entrants on the same courses and were less likely to fail to complete their courses .
22 The government also released a study which showed that planning policies which reduced the need for people to travel could cut pollution and fuel consumption by up to 15 per cent over the next 20 years .
23 If Thompson is correct , then such presentations are as simplistic as many of the police images which imply that society is consistently under attack from rampaging and ubiquitous criminal enemies , and which ( it follows ) only they can fight off and defeat .
24 Harnack himself defended that development as necessary for the survival of Christian faith in the ancient Graeco-Roman world , but believed it must now be transcended , for it brought with it the immense danger of transforming the original and authentic gospel of love preached and exemplified by Jesus into abstract intellectual formulae , of confusing the husk with the kernel .
25 For example Camden social services department made public the findings of an independent review of their homes which revealed that lack of recreational activities and opportunities for choice , lack of training for staff and management difficulties were all interwoven ( Booth , 1987 ) .
26 ( 1987 ) publish data which indicates that dementia prevalence rates are higher among females than males ( Table 5.4 ) , as do Vetter et al .
27 I express no opinion upon the case where a local or other public authority brings a civil action under a statute which prescribes that action as being the only method of enforcing a law which it is obliged to enforce .
28 As well might I have risen and said , ‘ I will tell you what really happened , for this trial and the real issues involved will one day become the subject of a great novel , and I am a man from two centuries into your future who read that book as a lad … ’
29 In a low and antagonistic frame of mind she accepted that Ace was never going to have any time for her .
30 In some respects she resisted that influence and in others succumbed to it .
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