Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] that time [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well I was er Er the school days from were from er eleven to fourteen and er tt of course during that time we had the opportunity to try and pass for grammar .
2 It was the summer 1989 when I went down to the golf club with a friend and played around with him after that I borrowed his clubs quite regularly and practised eventually mum & Dad chipped in and I bought myself a set of clubs well to be exact I bought myself a bag of three iron and a putter during the next two years I had saved up and built up my set of clubs until I had a half set of irons and 2 woods during that time I had always left my clubs at the golf club to save me taking the clubs to the course every time I played .
3 Now in in the bakery at that time it was one of the most progressive bakeries in the city and it must have employed at least about a hundred bakers .
4 Remember part of that time we were in div 2 getting only a fraction of the TV and Sponsorship money that Scum and Scouse were getting .
5 For five years she had worked at the Ashmolean before moving across the street to The Randolph ; and for the latter part of that time she had actually worked for Dr Kemp , amongst others .
6 If the baby-sitter orders my son to complete his home work after that time he is disregarding my instructions and his duty .
7 The depth sounder and Decca Navigator in the wheelhouse were innovations and although Radar was out of the question at that time we managed very well with the Decca Navigator , often running up the Thames in quite dense fog buoy hopping through Sea Reach .
8 I do n't know whether Mr Rocke fell in love with the Yorkshire moors on a visit to Wakefield for that exhibition ; but for most of the years since that time he has lived and worked in Yorkshire as senior art adviser to the West Riding County Council .
9 Was I think he said it were about twenty six pound a week for that time you see ?
10 He believes , or he chooses to believe , that in Chicago or somewhere else there were readers of Poetry magazine in 1918 who zealously and in all seriousness wanted to know what French poets of that time they might profitably read , and what in the broadest terms they should look for in each of them .
11 I just thought at that time she had died , for that was what they told me .
12 At the end of that time they again expressed doubts as to their liability to pay and for the next three years paid under protest .
13 Mr Edwards also detects caution in employers who are recruiting : ‘ They hire people for a specific period , maybe one or two years , so that at the end of that time they can decide whether or not to renew their contract or make them redundant .
14 Towards the end of that time she sent me a letter ( not entirely personal , being printed , in facsimile handwriting ) :
15 At the end of that time she had learned that Amy was married to an Anglican priest and felt herself trapped and manipulated in a relationship in which she was the inferior partner .
16 That may be so ; but on the other hand , if the plaintiff 's contention is correct , the solicitor may abstain from delivering his bill for 20 years , and then at the end of that time he may deliver it and sue after the expiration of a month from its delivery .
17 At the end of that time he came back again .
18 I was quick to snap her up before you changed your mind she was n't right for national accounts at that time she 'd been good in the groups role
19 And this was cracked fracture from osteoporosis now , if I had been getting H R T at that time I might have been less disfigured .
20 Moldan , whose name was on the StB register although he had not been an agent , admitted to meeting with StB agents but declared that " in the conditions in Czechoslovakia at that time it never crossed by mind that I could refuse " .
21 Of course at that time we did n't realise she 'd done it on purpose .
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