Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a [adj -er] time " in BNC.

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1 Erm right the open show fifty nine ninety five for the hire of the hall , much the same as last year , it 's keeping pretty well down er , it 's , we paid fifty three eighty last year , but I think because little bit for a longer time this year .
2 I should very much like the opportunity to discuss with the hon. Gentleman and his hon. Friends , and other colleagues from Northern Ireland , how we can introduce a strategy for promoting inward investment over a longer time scale than that hitherto adopted .
3 Indeed , given a campaign by Wulfhere as far as the coast , it is difficult to see how the whole extent of the northern territory of the western Saxons from Berkshire to Somerset could have escaped Mercian pressure in these years , creating perhaps precedents for further Mercian involvement in these districts at a later time .
4 Instead , I took up running in order to take more exercise in a shorter time .
5 Repeat the request at a later time or repeat the request with a different set of data .
6 Repeat the request at a later time or repeat the request with a different set of data .
7 Repeat the request at a later time or repeat the request with a different set of data .
8 Repeat the request at a later time or repeat the request with a different set of data .
9 Repeat the request at a later time or repeat the request with a different set of data .
10 Repeat the request at a later time or repeat the request with a different set of data .
11 Repeat the request at a later time or repeat the request with a different user name .
12 Repeat the request at a later time or repeat the request with a different set of data .
13 Repeat the request at a later time or repeat the request with a different set of data .
14 Repeat the request at a later time or repeat the request with a different start user name .
15 This seems to indicate that the college considers that a subspecialist trainee can acquire general skills in a shorter time than an academic trainee .
16 Because those who re-offended went to prison automatically , without the possibility of a non-custodial sentence the next time they were convicted of an imprisonable offence , they might remain in custody for a longer time than would otherwise have been the case .
17 Reciprocation seems to depend on the expectation of assistance from the beneficiary at a later time .
18 You use SAVE to save your program for use at a later time .
19 4 Consumers must respond to price differences with a shorter time lag .
20 Well the accident was was that if you look at the junctions along that section of road and carried out qualifications junction , you could release , reduce delays from junctions and effect of your making your total journey in a shorter time making that route slightly more attractive .
21 If , as it may be , such a system would cost more to operate than grant payments do , it would be of little advantage except in the important psychological sense that it would be a greater personal investment by the farmer over a longer time period .
22 If , however , one observes the motion for a longer time , one finds that the size , ellipticity and orientation of the orbit are continuously changing .
23 If the thought of a lengthy moorland return is unappealing , an alternative way to get to the best of the escarpment in a shorter time is to start from a parking area near a prominent standing stone on the unclassified road to Trecastle .
24 The probability of all the gas molecules in our first box being found in one half of the box at a later time is many millions of millions to one , but it can happen .
25 The first is that in which movements such as the democratic movement and the labour movement in Europe , the women 's suffrage movement and independence movements in colonial territories at a later time , or present-day movements in autocratic states , provide the only effective means for expressing grievances and seeking to bring about political changes .
26 We strongly advise you against reheating your meal at a later time .
27 One of the difficulties of long-term weather forecasting is that very fine details at one time can govern major patterns at a later time .
28 the possibility of a longer time scale for task completion
29 And this approach also helped compress our evaluation into a shorter time scale . ’
30 But this purported resolution of the paradox , as Fried concedes , only demonstrates the compatibility of uninhibited freedom to enter contracts with respect for autonomy ; it ‘ does not show that I am morally obligated to perform my promise at a later time if to do so proves inconvenient or costly ’ .
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