Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a [noun pl] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Shire difficulty became sheer impossibility after a months long battle to deselect David Abrahams , the previous candidate .
2 Police were questioning a 30-year-old man in connection with the murder of Elizabeth Page-Alucard , 41 , the counsellor who was found dead on Saturday at a drugs advisory centre in Worcester .
3 Morocco and the World Bank reached an agreement on Dec. 1 , 1988 , for the disbursement of a dollars 200,000,000 loan ( repayable over 20 years ) to help finance the country 's medium-term adjustment programme and enable Morocco to reduce import procedures and encourage exports .
4 The theatre is part of a Pounds 15 million complex at St Bartholomew 's — one of four London hospitals threatened with closure under an NHS shake-up .
5 ‘ We had a bit of a knees-up last night .
6 There was a receipt for £66 for drop earrings and insurance certificates for a Pounds 600 Rolex watch and an £800 eternity ring .
7 Hanger has also threatened to kill his parents who live in Bath , and they 're now under guard at a police safe house .
8 Tickling a parson 's nose as a lies asleep ;
9 He was an East Ender , near as possible a Cockney , and , with his mother , shopped the markets of Walthamstow and Leytonstone insisting that chips with this and chips with that was a triumphant diet for a sports crazy kid .
10 He was an East Ender , near as possible a Cockney , and , with his mother , shopped the markets of Walthamstow and Leytonstone insisting that chips with this and chips with that was a triumphant diet for a sports crazy kid .
11 So if you only have a 360k floppy drive and need to copy a file from a friends hard disk that is over 360k ( even after compression ) then this is the program for you .
12 Therefore the dojo is treated with great reverence and respect , whether it is a room within a sports complex or simply a disused garage .
13 There should be room in a 15″ wide tank .
14 A tank 36″ x 12″ x 18″ high was chosen , holding about 25 gallons over twice as much water as a 24″ x 12″ x 12″ tank but not much more expensive .
15 The development of a GIS capable of storing and manipulating the volumes of data required for a global research programme is still some way off , but smaller GIS have been used to attempt to provide at least a beginning .
16 However , a person with a Pounds 100 stake has a 110 to one chance of winning any prize .
17 Erm , I 'd just like to ask Sir Leonard whether the nature of the issues that are dealt with by environmental organisations , erm , indeed arguments such as pays etc. erm , introduces a difference in the nature of the relationship between the private sector and environmental N G Os , particularly when the issues that we promote , such as su the sustainable use of the world resources and the reduction of environmental degradation can have a direct impact on a companies bottom line .
18 Keeper David Coles was once with Newport , while barely 12 months ago free transfer midfielder Wayne Dobbins was the subject of a Pounds 25,000 move from West Brom to Torquay .
19 Alas , for Fergie and Johnny , enjoying a break together again after those fun days in Thailand , Bali , Indonesia and Argentina , the world was watching courtesy of a photographers all-powerful lens .
20 UNDERCOVER cops did not have to go far to check on a suspected brothel — it was next door to a police social club .
21 A HUSBAND and wife were convicted yesterday of running a brothel next door to a police social club .
22 — DURHAM CIU branch is hoping to add another competition to the annual list with the introduction of a dominoes five and threes championship .
23 Segmentation Market segmentation means the analysis of a definitions particular total demand in terms of its constituent parts , so that sets of buyers can be determined .
24 A diskless model with a 17″ monochrome screen lists at £4,900 ( $4,995 ) £5,300 with 426Mb disk — or £6,500 with a 16″ colour screen and 426Mb disk .
25 A diskless model with a 17″ monochrome screen lists at £4,900 — $5,000 — £5,300 with 426Mb disk — or £6,500 with a 16″ colour screen and 426Mb disk .
26 Big softy or not , it seemed a little foolish to even consider a 1.25″ female with a 6″ male , so I decided to wait until she was rather larger .
27 A COUPLE were ordered to remove their caravan from a travellers permanent encampment at St Christopher 's Park , Newry , at the local Magistrate 's Court yesterday .
28 FORMER boxing champ Henry Cooper yesterday threatened to ‘ break the legs ’ of the burglars who stole his wife 's jewellery in a Pounds 16,000 raid .
29 The Vicars family from Portsmouth , Hants , got their hands on a Pounds 50 three-piece suite after waiting outside Allders since Christmas Eve and eating their Christmas dinner on the pavement .
30 The launch of the project at a sports fair in Southlands focussed on demonstrations , displays and competitions .
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