Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a [adj] [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ While you provide the contrast as a proper femme fatale . ’
2 Managers say that prudent lending and a close knowledge of local people are the reasons for a 34 per cent leap in net profits .
3 A planned budget for 1991 estimated at $80,000 million contained provision for a 15.7 per cent rise for the social sector and one of 41.2 per cent for the controversial National Solidarity ( Pronasol ) anti-poverty programme [ see below ] which had a budget of $1,000 million in 1990 .
4 Mr Parkinson recently signalled ministerial concern by blocking BR 's plans for a 14 per cent fare rise in February .
5 About to join a battle royal with Britain and Germany over his ambitious plans for a 30 per cent increase in the EC budget , the last thing Mr Delors wanted was more tales of bogus food exports .
6 In contrast with the opposition 's plans for a 15 per cent " consumption tax " , there would also be personal tax cuts , giving three-quarters of taxpayers a top tax rate of 30 per cent , totalling A$3,400 million in 1994-95 and A$5,200 million in 1995-96 .
7 Learning support for a specific child/children within the classroom .
8 Not only may κ x take a whole range of values for a given κ , but also linear combinations of solutions of the form ( 22.6 ) with different κ x but the same κ are single wavenumber patterns .
9 The listing , which is to raise £4.8m through a 38.5 per cent placing , will give the club a market capitalisation of £13m , worth about the same as Tottenham Hotspur , the only other English football club to be publicly owned .
10 Hopes of the Economy Minister , Domingo Cavallo , for quick progress in talks begun in January over the Argentina 's foreign debt received a setback in mid-February when creditor banks rejected his requests for a 40 per cent cut in the country 's US$31,000 million commercial bank debt , under the terms of the 1989 Brady debt reduction plan [ see pp. 36541-42 ] .
11 Although hypothesis as a useful er sort of description of how farmers might erm adjust their supply it 's a very simple one alright .
12 The Steelworkers , financing their programme through a 1 per cent levy on union dues , provided training for reps in fighting union-busting methods in the early 1930s ; by 1985 , they had developed a full two-day residential course on ‘ Facing Management ’ , which includes introduction exercises , and a role play ( ‘ Handle with Care ’ ) on productivity bargaining ; the course also looks at Japanese management methods , quality circles and technological change .
13 The wartime alliance had been followed by an occasionally hot ‘ cold war ’ and then , from the 1950s onwards , by a cautious search for a limited modus vivendi .
14 Oil and petroleum workers threatened industrial action in support of demands for a 310 per cent salary adjustment , for an end to plans to privatize the state oil company PETROBRAS , and the reinstatement of 800 colleagues dismissed in government cutbacks .
15 IG Metall had opened region-by-region negotiations in this sector on March 4 but employers rejected demands for a 9.5 per cent increase , offering instead 3.3 per cent .
16 The commission failed to support French demands for a 30 per cent higher minimum prices for imported fish .
17 The most serious industrial disruption was a strike by 1,700 miners in Morocco 's largest coalfield at Jerada , 450 km east of Rabat , which began in mid-December 1988 with demands for a 20 per cent wage increase .
18 Many of our comrades in the hotel and catering industry work long and unsocial hours for as little as two ninety two an hour , a hundred and fourteen pound for a thirteen ho thirty nine hour week .
19 Meanwhile , the Government was heading for more conflict after its confirmation of a 1.5 per cent public-sector pay rise led to protests from teachers and health workers .
20 And certainly should not live under the rule of a foreign er power .
21 In another note — in the margin of his description of the characters — he had scribbled : ‘ all three male ch. aspects of a single man=author ’ .
22 And fireworks are expected to fly as ministers battle to protect their cash plans in the light of a strict 244.5bn pounds spending limit .
23 This would range from total recovery to the maintenance of a vegetative status quo .
24 Manchester City ( £5.48 ) offered the cheapest average top-flight entrance fee , while near-neighbours Oldham hit their supporters with a 67 per cent increase to an average £6.39 , after winning promotion .
25 It is possible that the younger control subjects with a high LI% may develop an adenomatous polyp as an ageing phenomenon .
26 There was a ripe collection of April Fool items flying around the industry this year , with BICC Plc 's BICC Information Systems & Services promoting its underware , the first two items being BISS-SLIP for Synchronised Linked Internet Protocol and BISS-NICS Network Integrity Circuit Service , and Chase Research Inc of Nashville , Tennessee threatening to knock MS-DOS , Unix and NT off their perches with a resurrected CPM/93 version of the late lamented CP/M operating system — and comes on 300 8″ floppies , bundled with an 8″ floppy drive for $100 ; but the prize has to go for Hewlett-Packard Ltd , which yesterday announced new security features for its Vectra personal computers — User Fingerprint Recognition on all models , and both Photographic Recognition — a tiny camera in the middle of the screen that recognises you even when you come back with a tan , and Odour Recognition — designated users must not change their perfume or after shave — on 80486 models ; not recognised ?
27 The receiver combines a 30 watts per channel amplifier with a 10-station AM/FM tuner .
28 Abulfez Elchibey , leader of the Azerbaijani Popular Front , was sworn in as President on June 16 , after receiving 59.4 per cent of the vote in a 76 per cent turnout in elections on June 7 ; there were five candidates in all .
29 I am not aware of any complaint of professional misconduct or disciplinary proceedings brought or to be brought against me in respect of any practice in a multi-national partnership/recognised body and I do not know of any cause for such proceedings to be brought .
30 SUPERMAN Alan Shearer destroyed Watford in a personal tour de force as Blackburn coasted into their first League Cup quarter-final for 31 years .
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