Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the first place " in BNC.

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1 He said the Government was funding the association in the first place to the tune of £3.76m this year .
2 The correct dosage for your fish can only be supplied if you know the gallonage of your pond in the first place .
3 Why did saving collapse in the first place ?
4 They were little eyes in the first place .
5 Everyone , it seemed , was doing well out of the erosion of the 1878 settlement except the Russians , for whom that settlement had been a defeat in the first place .
6 ‘ I do n't agree with play-offs in the first place .
7 Not only does such an arrangement disrupt the child 's schooling — although arguably it has already been badly disrupted by the child 's absenteeism — but it can often also be a traumatic experience for the child , entrenching the resentment and disaffection which were among the major causes of the child 's truancy in the first place .
8 These feelings — homesickness for a place you could n't wait to leave ( Manchester ) , nostalgia for a time that was never any good in the first place ( adolescence ) — were why the music of the Smiths refracted the quandaries of the eighties like no other .
9 Venables added : ‘ It is unfair that the stigma of being a cheat was attached to Gordon and to our club in the first place , especially when you consider some of the play-acting that goes on abroad . ’
10 Mountbatten , as Chief of Defence Staff , welcomed the idea , if he did not actually sow it in the Prime Minister 's mind in the first place .
11 The roughness and sheer wild irrationality of Lewis 's domestic persona were matched by the genuinely warm-hearted impulse which had led him to befriend Havard in the first place .
12 Rough weather fell when the platform called the sisters ‘ back to the fold ’ , stirring protest that women had never left any mythical fold in the first place , and if anyone needed to find their way home , it sure was n't the sisters !
13 Pluto ( since discovered to be a ‘ double planet ’ ) is far too small to create the perturbations in Neptune 's orbit that started off the search in the first place .
14 Why call a search in the first place ? ’
15 Smacking , says Leach , will not help the toddler 's anger , frustration and fear , which create tantrums in the first place .
16 ‘ I always wanted to tackle the overcrowding in Darlington which is why I provided the £243,000 in the first place .
17 over round the left hand side in the first place , but she must have been in the wrong so they must have seen it as well , they have n't really got a strong case so they threw it out of court and last week he had a letter , he opened it , from the , from the court , and he thought oh gawld here we go again , he 's got jury service , oh
18 ' — another thing : what the fuck was he doing on the roof in the first place ? ’
19 The curious thing is why a university made Mr Jeffries head of an academic department in the first place .
20 Further difficulties lay in raising funds in the first place .
21 Mr. McAllion : The Minister said that there will be only one form of financial assistance per company , in the form of the £48,750 to help people to put together a bid in the first place .
22 Police believe the thief was the ‘ kitchen chemist ’ in Morgan hill whose ‘ heroin ’ sparked off the research in the first place .
23 Such cancers are easily treatable with , for example , the photosensitive drugs that prompted the research in the first place : shine red light down the bronchoscope and only the area with the tumour need be zapped .
24 Particularly in the streets that have undergone a great deal of change since the war , like the street where I live myself , which is another thing that prompted me to , to go into the research in the first place , which is erm a house of small Victorian erm I believe the estate agents call them artisans ' cottages , and this kind of area which , there 's a great deal of this sort of property in Brighton , has undergone enormous changes since the war from being multi-occupied before the war , with one family on each floor , were regarded immediately after the war as slums and were scheduled for demolition , but they 've been a great lease of life all over the country , this sort of property , and been subjected to a process which has come to be known as gentrification , which has meant that when the middle class could n't afford to , to buy semi-detached in suburbs they took to buying this kind of smaller property in town centres , thereby introducing a whole new element into streets that had never seen these , this kind of things done to houses before .
25 What actually does happen , in most cases , is that either you do not lose the weight in the first place , or , if you do , it is on a difficult diet and when it finishes you get fat once again .
26 All three are [ in different degrees ] illusions , which make the weight of life bearable — to those of sufficient stature to feel its weight in the first place .
27 But why did they go for absolute egalitarianism in the first place then ?
28 ‘ We are funding Two Castles in the first place .
29 ‘ Sure my music is techno-based , ’ says the breathy jazz-house diva from Glasgow , ‘ but the house and rave scenes owed much to jazz in the first place . ’
30 The major constraints which tenure conditions impose upon conservation programmes that discourage private initiatives to invest in conservation practices are short leases which tempt the tenant to remove as much plant material and nutrients as possible from the soil within the period of tenancy ; insecurity of tenants in longer leases ; uncertainty of compensation to tenants by landlords for conservation works at the end of the lease ; and a lack of an accepted means by which landlord and tenant can share these outlays in the first place ( Barlowe 1958 ) .
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