Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] same [verb] " in BNC.

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1 we will replace your car , with a new car of the same make and model , if one is available .
2 we will replace your car , with a new car of the same make and model , if one is available .
3 we will replace your car , with a new car of the same make and model , if one is available .
4 The advances in graptolite biostratigraphy provide an accurate calibration for parallel work on acritarchs and chitinozoa from the same Lower Palaeozoic sediments .
5 Detectives found group members would buy written-off cars and arrange for a vehicle of the same make and model to be stolen from Teesside , Humberside or North Yorkshire .
6 This is of flannel : the round part is plaited up to form the front , and a quilling of the bordering put on , a band of the same laid on at the back , and strings . ’
7 This does not only vary from make to make but between individual machines of the same make .
8 Indeed , one of the first die links ever published drew attention to the surprising use of the same die on two coins which had been thought to be of different mints .
9 If you want to add a drive of the same make but a different size you probably wo n't have any problems .
10 The Act of Settlement of 1701 , which determined the succession to the throne , affirmed that the laws of England " are the Birthright of the People thereof and all the Kings and Queens who shall ascend the Throne of this Realm ought to administer the Government of the same according to the said Laws and all their Officers and Ministers ought to serve them respectively according to the same . "
11 Likewise , if you wished to make a single gift to ACET of less than £600 then — assuming that you are a taxpayer — you can enable ACET to get the benefit of tax relief by the same Deposited Covenant arrangement .
12 In a more complex version of the same test the stimuli were three gratings moving in different directions .
13 This discrepancy is disturbing , and it is not obvious how it could have arisen , especially because the abstract and the full paper report on the same follow up period .
14 Actinic Degradation This is the breakdown of ( mostly synthetic ) flysheets through prolonged exposure to the sun , but no-one really knows why it affects some tents and not others of the same make and model .
15 Consequently , for instance , coins of the Empress Placidia were struck at Aquileia and at Rome from the same dies .
16 On the left is Face The Times , ( F6c/7a ) with five bolt runners to a pig 's tail lower off and on the right , Face The Music , ( F7a ) with ten bolt runners to the same lower off .
17 Avitus was later to become bishop of the same see .
18 By extending the playing time on the same uncovered , bland pitches , you merely prolong the attrition , with no technical benefit other than individually longer innings plus longer spells from spinners on discouraging surfaces .
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