Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 Six weeks later a great demonstration in the Royal Albert Hall demanded the establishment of a Merchant Seamen 's League to put the boycott into effect and " to assist them in maintaining their benevolent institutions for the aged and infirm " A short time ago , he declared in 1918 , he had received a document from four leading German trade unionists attempting to justify the U-boat campaign by arguing that " only a campaign of frightfulness against the British and neutral vessels trading to ports in the United Kingdom and the starving of the people of the British Isles would bring the war to a speedy close " .
2 It 's identified generally with many of the glories of bourgeois cooking through the 18th and 19th centuries .
3 I should like to take this opportunity to thank all the employees of Johnson Matthey for the skilled and dedicated service that resulted in this year 's record performance
4 ‘ Well I am partial to a bit of Severn salmon , ’ Bert continued , ‘ if you promise me that next half tidy salmon that comes your way , you can have the bike for a hundred and fifty .
5 Events have also shown that in this day and age the exercise of a right to silence affords protection for the guilty and is unnecessary to safeguard the innocent .
6 Apart from these various policies of positive discrimination for deprived areas , a series of Acts of Parliament during the 1960s and 1970s sought to strengthen the rights of workers against unfair dismissal , the rights of tenants against unfair eviction , and the rights of immigrants and women against discrimination in the areas of employment , finance , housing , etc .
7 The Lila Wallace-Reader 's Digest Fund , Inc. made a $2 million grant for the medieval and Renaissance galleries , and the National Endowment for the Humanities followed up a $525,000 ‘ Museum Program ’ grant with a challenge grant of $750,000 that we have to match 3 to 1 .
8 The concession for the elderly and disabled will take effect from next January , the region 's transport and roads committee announced …
9 This view of assessment concentrates not so much on end of unit tests nor results in an external exam ( such as in former S.C.E. ‘ O ’ Grades ) , but on assessment as an on-going and integral part of the learning and teaching process .
10 As a result , the Labour Party was forced to alter many of its once-cherished policies during the mid- and late 1930s .
11 Hungary 's conservative ruling coalition , led by the Hungarian Democratic Forum ( HDF ) , harkens back to the populist political culture of the country 's Christian Course during the 1920s and 1930s .
12 Of course , it could be argued that ludism is , in its way , another interpretative strategy launched by the novelist : while conceding the liberating effect of viewing the literary text as an open and democratic discourse , Robbe-Grillet is again allocating a new role to the reader .
13 The Clio 's predecessor , the Renault 5 , did much to define the supermini segment during the seventies and eighties .
14 Question D — focuses on explaining the reasons for the industrial and political unrest " in Britain in the five years before the outbreak of the First World War .
15 Once the plunge had been taken to call upon outside expertise for a temporary and specific problem , employing outside expertise on a regular basis was not such a great mental jump .
16 The ceremonies were overshadowed by disagreements between the federal and Slovak authorities , reflecting tension surrounding the imminent dissolution of the federation " a development which Dubcek had strongly opposed .
17 Visual illusions are an excellent illustration , in fact , of the division between a specialized and autonomous mechanism for seeing and the cognitive system which determines whether we should believe what we see , as Helmholtz pointed out over a century ago .
18 They highlight the division between the localised and widespread types of distribution pattern .
19 The division between the private and the public sphere , which was located both in economic development ( the separation of work and home ) and in social ideology , was by the end of the nineteenth century at the heart of moral discourse ; as a corollary , not surprisingly , the development of social purity was to have profound effects between the 1880s and the First World War on the regulation of sexual behaviour .
20 The fact that one can commit words to paper without any apparent loss of intelligibility suggests that there is , in fact , a clean division between the lexical and the non-verbal component of human communication , and that the so-called kinesic variables such as facial expression , posture , and hand movements are just optional extras .
21 Though orthodox in his religious beliefs , Singer deplored the division between the orthodox and reform camps , preached in the reform synagogue in Manchester , and was a supporter of the Jewish Religious Union , forerunner of the Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues ; it was only under intense pressure from within the United Synagogue that he broke off this association .
22 And yet the very division between the literate and the non-literate in the countryside was a powerful force for change .
23 These differences , which have largely supplanted the historical division between the socialist and anarcho-syndicalist traditions , were fully reflected at the level of the CCOO and UGT railway unions in RENFE .
24 This sad , artificial division between the theoretical and the empirical is quite unnecessary , but reflects the structure of the sociological profession itself , affected as it is by its history and its own peculiar form of development in Britain .
25 Overall , the study of visionary leadership and strategic vision offers the opportunity for a rewarding and revitalizing interchange between the fields of leadership studies and strategic management .
26 During the bullbaiting , thousands tore through the narrow streets of Wokingham , providing a splendid opportunity for the disaffected and unscrupulous to push their unwanted spouses or other associates in the path of the stampede .
27 Teachers and catechists will recognise that this development is not a negative one , but rather one which , on the one hand , may indeed lead to rejection of faith , but on the other hand , will present the opportunity for an enriching and maturing faith which will lead to an adult commitment to God .
28 The revised economic blueprint called for $200,000 million in new investment in cities , training and infrastructure , to be financed by spending cuts and higher taxes for the rich and for corporations .
29 From surviving pattern books , trade cards , bill headings , contemporary written accounts and livery company admission lists we learn that Southwark and Whitechapel were the two main areas in London accommodating funeral furnishing houses during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries .
30 Val set off for the interior in the best of the hire cars available , a well worn seat with grudging breaks , and drove alone on empty roads through a barren and alien territory .
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