Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [subord] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They snap their fingers as if the world is their wine-waiter .
2 They each filled in their respective forms as if the van belonged to the trader and as if the customer wished to acquire the van on hire purchase terms .
3 Once the form is received the Employee Relations Officer in consultation with the Assistant Director — Human Resources will make a judgement about whether the circumstances outlined in the report require to be investigated in an appropriately confidential manager .
4 Deciding whether to release a prisoner on parole , for example , needs a judgement about whether the prisoner is likely to commit another offence .
5 Jack chucked her her helmet , stowed the emergency gear and fired up his bike , and in seconds she was clinging on behind him as the sirens wailed and they took off through the car park as if the hounds of hell were after them .
6 Publicly there were muzzy plans for when the city populations took to the skies en masse .
7 He had told a self-regarding tale of secret arms stores , battle plans for if the Catholics should ever pervert the British government into some dreadful sell-out of the Protestants , a scheme of dirty tricks clandestinely organised by some of the highest in the land .
8 ‘ I love Harvey , ’ and little noises came out of the sphere of hair as if a canary was eating a hearty meal of seeds .
9 You fitted into my heart as if a space had always been there waiting . ’
10 All the women exclaimed at the sight of the red , pink and white azaleas massed on the steps , but each thought privately that only she could appreciate the true beauty and significance of the flowers — Sophia feeling that here was the essence of the Italy she knew and loved , Penelope experiencing a lift of the heart as if the flowers held a promise of future romantic adventures , Ianthe knowing as she looked at the flower what she had only suspected before — that she was in love with John .
11 Departments are now obliged to review from time to time the bodies they sponsor , and have received instructions that — whatever the precise degree of independence — the minister is answerable to Parliament for whether the body is working efficiently and economically .
12 Elsa departed because she could n't take Fagg 's oft-repeated loud muttering of ‘ Swiss maybe , but Swiss-Kraut certainly ’ ; two male Chinese took umbrage when he denounced them as Nips ; an observing Hindu became revolted when Mauleverer , an occasional resident , subjected him to intense cross-questioning about whether the liver was from a Dutch calf and was being served sufficiently rare ; and a delicious-looking Filipino , who strayed too close to Fishbane at breakfast , received a pinch which made her hysterical .
13 Not helped by : ‘ So delicious to cat , but it makes the whole flat smell as if the drains were wrong . ’
14 As discussed above , a more robust recognition system may result from allowing multiple interpretations of a segment , and letting lexical access make the final decision about whether a segment is or , for example , in the context of or , since neither gis , nor kif are valid lexical sequences .
15 Little lights were springing up in the woods as if the houses thus made apparent had been magicked into position on that instant .
16 Opinions about whether the reports should be made public in future were almost evenly divided , with a tiny majority ( 52 per cent ) against .
17 There are a lot of herbs for when a child falls ill .
18 There is a ( real ) wooden floor which looks bewildering ; the grain and ring patterns in the wood look as if the wood was a liquid oil , allowed to run and then dry .
19 Where the holder of a canteen licence ceases to manage the canteen , the person who is in charge for the time being can , for a period of 14 days from the date " when the holder ceased to be manager , sell liquor as if the licence had been transferred to him .
20 There is still some disagreement among experts about whether the methods Thom used were appropriate .
21 So if you have a look at those and play with them for next time erm and make sure that you learn those two rules about if the signs are the same
22 The proposal is likely to divide the group since some councils are voicing doubts about whether a referendum is the best way forward .
23 Femininity is fine , but suggestiveness is n't — the office is not the place for braless nipples or knickerless minis , and if you 've any doubts about whether an outfit is unsuitable , do n't wear it ;
24 In a reference to continuing reports that more Soviet weapons had been moved east of the Ural mountains and thus out of the treaty area , the UK Defence Secretary Tom King raised doubts about whether the treaty process was going forward with " the degree of control and accuracy that was intended " .
25 Their tough activism contrasted with the Ministry of Agriculture 's considerable suspicion of the Bank 's motives , doubts about whether the government could possibly meet all the conditions of lending that the Bank would require , and sheer reluctance to organize all the preparatory technical studies that would form a part of project preparation .
26 But there are growing doubts about whether the plan will deliver as much irrigation water as promised and about its effect on the Missolonghi wetland at the river mouth , designated as of international importance under the Ramsar Convention .
27 In the present case there were clearly grounds for doubts about whether the accounting period ended on 25 October 1977 or 31 January 1978 , W believing the former and the company contending the latter .
28 If there were ever any doubts about whether the arts were good for the economy of New York City , a new study seeks to prove that they are .
29 She asked Dot about whether the sun was shining in London , about the school , and about Gloria .
30 It says much for the sang-froid of the practised musician that , despite the intrusion of a bomb hoax , both Dame Joan and the orchestra resumed the published programme as if no interruption had occurred .
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