Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The CGT , for instance , has regarded collective bargaining as no more than a temporary measure of the balance of power between management and unions , enabling the union to obtain the best negotiating results for wage-earners at a given point in time ( Goetschy , 1983 ) .
2 To the extent that there is an elision in the terms of debate , and the concept of postmodern arrangements is aligned only with a ‘ free ’ labour market variant of organizational forms , which actually means freedom for a few and restriction to much more repressive conditions for the many , then the terms of debate and choice are unnecessarily restricted .
3 it like sends the thing down the old wiring and flicks the boiler off the same as with the heating once it gets up to temperature the boiler will cut off .
4 He knew that a conspiracy ( exposed with the maximum publicity ) to murder the king and Parliament in one horrific holocaust would cause public opinion to recoil into solid support for the less than popular James I and himself .
5 It is not easy to engage in discussion with someone who regards other opinions as no more than symptomatic of the way a bourgeois intellectual thinks under late capitalism .
6 He reportedly stated that CITUB would not undertake any commitments without first consulting Podkrepa , and did not wish to take advantage of any conflicts between the latter and the government .
7 Twenty years at the pinnacle of his profession had paid him handsomely and he accepted the accolades and the financial rewards as no more than his due .
8 For example , West Germany and the Netherlands both have lower female work-force participation than Britain but also have considerably lower fertility ; while Japan , with a period fertility level about the same as Britain 's has a relatively low work-force participation by married women .
9 I could n't make up my mind about him , regarding him at times as some grotesque theatrical maniac , at other times as no more than a pleasant , if somewhat mysterious , travelling companion .
10 Walter Hallstein and the Netherlands were particularly critical of France , and the tension between the latter and the other five increased significantly .
11 It has been confirmed in an extra-statutory concession ( dated 19.12.88 ) that the taxation position is treated by the Inland Revenue as the same where payments are made to the purchaser under an indemnity in the sale agreement .
12 But there may be legitimate reasons for incorporating a company which is intended to remain dormant indefinitely or for retaining on the register a company which for the time being has ceased to carry on business but which the members may wish to use at some time in the future for the same or some different business .
13 Afterwards he dismissed the defeat as no more than ‘ irritating ’ and said he still had a good chance of winning the match .
14 When Harold Skimpole declares to him that ‘ The owners of such places as Chesney Wold … are public benefactors … good enough to maintain a number of delightful objects for the admiration and pleasure of us poor men ’ , Sir Leicester receives the compliment as no more than his due .
15 Sometimes differences in terminology are merely the use of different words for the same or similar groups ( such a ‘ West Indian ’ and ‘ Afro-Caribbean ’ ) ; at other times , different sets of terms refer to different classifications and different ways of classifying .
16 Opportunities for informal contacts and the exchange of information and experiences are , in consequence , extensive , and they probably serve the individualistic-minded members of this particular labour force as a more than satisfactory substitute for trade unions .
17 Is the Opposition spokesman afraid that people will remember the days before the Government 's policy when political meddling led to huge overcapacity , massive losses and the closure of no fewer than three plants under Labour in Scotland alone ?
18 Perhaps his most popular work , the Turangalîla-symphonie , was a commission from Koussevitzky , fusing his rich and instantly identifiable harmonic language with complex Hindu rhythms : it was his study of the latter that led to his formulation of ‘ total ’ serialism , first seen in his Studies in Rhythm of 1949 .
19 Order is associated with regularity and uniformity , that is with repetitions of the same or similar elements .
20 There are four interviews and reported comments with supporters of the latter and none whatsoever for the former .
21 Small companies wishing to dispense with the burden of audit would have to have turnover of no more than the VAT registration threshold , under new proposals from the Government .
22 There is some doubt about the circumstances of Molla Yegan 's death , to which reference will be made in due course , but it may be remarked here that while el-Kefevi is possibly right at least about the rough date of Molla Yegan 's death , the slightest suspicion attaches to the basis for his statement by reason of the fact that his words ( if not their order ) are practically identical with Taskopruzade 's statement about the death of Molla Taj al Din Ibrahim , known as Khatib-zade ( Hatibzade ) : Hatibzade and Molla Yegan are associated in an anecdote related by Taskopruzade in the biography of the former but included by el-Kefevi in the biography of Molla Yegan .
23 In the darkness we passed through the defile of Gebel Silsila where the river narrows dramatically to a width of no more than a few yards .
24 Most notably , ensuring that a few do not profit at the expense of the many and limiting foreign control of the economy are important concerns in Hungary , and will no doubt influence the law .
25 This recognition of the more than local effects of major retail development confirms how crucial it is to place such development within a strategic context .
26 Not only did it win 13 of the 14 constituency seats ( 92.9% ) : it managed to do so on an average constituency vote of no more than 43.5% , which was further reduced by the usual leakage to a list vote of 41.8% .
27 In its own , gentle way , poignancy is as profound an intimation of the contradictions of being , as any of the mindfuck experiences or headlong plunges into the horror-of-it-all that the anti-Morrissey brutalists advocate .
28 The Crues make their UEFA Cup debut against Swiss side Servette Geneva at Seaview on Tuesday with no fewer than five of their regulars classed as ‘ foreigners ’ .
29 They stood there , almost a metre tall , regarding our intrusion with no more than mild curiosity .
30 Corollary Inc will announce the availability of CNS-1600 , a built-in surge protection feature on its Connection Station communication servers : CNS-1600 is an Ethernet device , which enables users to hot key between multiple simultaneous sessions with the same or different host ; it provides protection for up to 16 serial lines ; out this week .
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