Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [noun pl] they " in BNC.

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1 There is an important methodological point worth discussing here , for Freud points out that it is not possible simply to take what people themselves say are the reasons for the taboos they practise , for if the reasons are unconscious , they will not be able to do this .
2 ‘ People do n't always have logical reasons for the things they do !
3 Official reports into local government administration have in the past been extremely coy about the significance of such Partisanship for the matters they investigated .
4 Richards asked employers about the factors they took into account when recruiting apprentices .
5 Watt found great difficulty in working with the Cornish mine captains and obtaining from them full payment for the engines they had built or modified .
6 The guardians proposed that the Borough would contribute a quarter of the cost of the building and payment for the patients they sent .
7 The mixture between cajun , bluegrass and boogie styles was almost seamless and all gained from the five musicians ' vigour and enthusiasm for the songs they were playing .
8 She pours withering scorn upon such ‘ painted poupées ’ as Joan Collins and Liz Taylor for the hours they devote to their images , as well as the men they choose as partners , but one look at the deep lines of bitterness etched into the faces of those women who renounce loving relationships in favour of cats , gardens or anything else tells me all I need to know .
9 No doubt , though the Dalgliesh , the old warrior was unaware that other schools existed ; like every other class , the aristocracy , however poor , could always find the money for the things they really wanted .
10 There are also some that are actually innocuous but are seldom eaten for they have taken a rather complicated gamble by copying the colours of poisonous caterpillars to delude aggressors into giving them as wide a berth as the creatures they mimic .
11 Cinestra offers a regular training programme , and for the past few years has operated a highly successful bursary scheme for new video makers which also offers practical production experience for the women they train .
12 Because people buy products for the benefits they confer , successful salespeople relate product features to consumer benefits ; product features are the means by which benefits are derived .
13 The parasites will be blasted a hundred times for the indignities they have inflicted on us ! ’
14 Most weekends , they labour side by side to conserve funds for the jobs they can not tackle .
15 However , the AIB inspectors always try to be helpful and provide the coroner with the basic information he needs to establish the cause of death , but nonetheless , they sometimes get little thanks for the efforts they make to assist the coroner and sometimes they are treated in a rather off-hand manner .
16 We would expect them to corner discrete specialist areas of care and charge monopoly rent for the cases they treat .
17 Indeed , one of the key points about Berger and Mohr 's study is that such moral careers are being partly constructed by capital 's requirements for a cheap workforce and one which can be dismissed in line with fluctuating demands for the products they make .
18 The local authority served on the defendant written demands for the expenses they had incurred in respect of the works required under the notices , respectively on 31 May 1984 and 25 April 1985 .
19 That morning they parted under the trees , he never took her all the way to the gates , that would only have made things worse , that morning she looked the way she always looked , rings under her eyes and her whole body braced for the ordeal that lay ahead , how hard it was to leave her always , maybe that was why they always drew the parting out , sometimes it took minutes , just the saying goodbye , they backed away from each other , then stopped and called something out , then backed away again , they called out special words that they 'd made up , words to fill the distance between them , words for the things they could n't say , they backed away till he was under the trees or she was through the gates , whichever happened first , she looked the same way she always looked that morning , except for one thing , she had a clock tucked under her arm , the clock they 'd found together , the clock that did n't tick , the lonely clock .
20 To emphasise the art , because most religions communicate to non-believers through the objects they make .
21 The association is in touch with thousands of people caring for relatives and friends and has learned a great deal about the difficulties they face .
22 The only financial bonus for the dangers they face is an environmental allowance of £1.14p a day .
23 The craftsmen , and we shall always need them , combine through the use of the whole range of human skills such extra elements as proportion , difference , originality , and the ability to work with the grain or the particular unique characteristics of the materials they work with .
24 DELIGHT , elation and relief greeted the news of the government 's decision to compensate investors for the bulk of the losses they had suffered in the collapse of Barlow Clowes .
25 ‘ It is not only the economic loss of the things they have stolen from them but the fear , which in some cases leads to long-term psychological consequences which , if the victim is elderly , may never go away . ’
26 The graveyard of the modest little church at Chapel-le-Dale is the last resting place of the many men who died from illness and disease during the construction of the Ribblehead railway viaduct in the 1870s as a result of the privations they suffered .
27 All the soldiers who served in Bosnia have been told about the possibility of developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of the atrocities they have seen .
28 The mature reader , of whatever age , takes liberties with the text : ‘ Proficient readers can go directly to the meaning of the passage being read , only sampling the print for confirmation of the hypotheses they have made about the meaning intended by the author .
29 Equally obviously the questioners were seeking confirmation of the rituals they believed had taken place ; rituals that included real or simulated sexual acts between adults and children in the hours of darkness ; acts that included ritualistic music , dance and dress .
30 I shall approach their work , in short , in the light of the pragmatist belief that a study of the problems they pose and the solutions they offer may provide us not merely with a new perspective on the scope of holistic explanations , but also with the best means , in the end , of assessing their strength .
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