Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] than [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's brilliant , he 's happy , he wakes up every day joyous and he never holds a grudge for more than about three minutes .
2 It is important to bear in mind , however , that muscle tension can be the result of more than just bad posture or wrong use of the body .
3 The agriculture of small farmers remained undeveloped , while the industrial sector which was small but had considerable potential with the influx of the coastal refugee population received no single investment of more than about $28,000 in the whole period .
4 There is a simple linear hierarchy in groups of less than about ten hens .
5 It is precisely this capacity for renewed interpretation that makes literature of more than simply historical interest .
6 A single sentence of more than about four lines puts unreasonable demands on your reader : Since Etherege ( writing in a later period than Wycherley and recognising a greater desire for a new " Man of Mode " ) recognises that love , sex and inheritance are still important considerations , which he also criticises , both playwrights can be said to expose hypocrisy rather than improve society , as heroes and heroines are constantly undermined by the contrasts created in the new social order and the codes of morality being set up which are both critical and celebratory .
7 That is understandable , but it neglects the fact that press freedom is an issue for more than just the press .
8 It would not be reasonably foreseen that these accounts would still be relied upon by any banker acting in the ordinary course of business as a basis for assessing the then creditworthiness of Berg after the passage of more than about 15 months from the end of the period covered by the accounts .
9 These molecules , the ultimate source of information about what is going on at a specific time in a particular cell , are extremely labile chemically ( for example , to traces of alkaline detergent in less than scrupulously clean glassware ) and enzymatically ( to the ubiquitous ribonuclease ) .
10 Other ways of making life more interesting for the housebound are the occasional holidays in the homes of various members of the family ; also offering to help them to entertain their friends in their own home to more than just a cup of tea , by arranging to take a pre-cooked , easily served meal round to them beforehand .
11 This analysis suggests that the identification and diagnosis of language disorder is unlikely to provide the basis for more than relatively crude speculations regarding the child 's prognosis .
12 Moreover , because depression , inflation , or other economic distress can bring down a government , and because jobs , prices , production , the standard of living , and the economic security of everyone , all tend to rest on the performance of business , politicians and administrators alike have to regard business as more than just another interest group .
13 Since there was a higher population and a greater surplus of output people had a higher disposable income ; this led directly to a desire for more than just food and a demand for material commodities for the household ( pottery , cutlery , more and better clothing in cotton and wool ) .
14 The goldfish can not only spy on the fair-red secrets of our world , but its vision extends through the spectrum to shorter wavelength ultraviolet radiation , making it receptive to a wider band of light than almost any other animal .
15 The researchers demonstrated that there is a physiological plasma/milk barrier against fluoride which protects the infant from more than extremely low concentrations of the halogen .
16 So you will be taking in about twice as much dietary fibre in less than half as much food .
17 The idiots sending these devices are a danger to more than just the public .
18 And from Spike Lee to Reverend Jesse Jackson , Michael Jordan to Philip Michael Thomas , black movers and shakers now shape US opinion on more than just race .
19 Accordingly , if the business is hived up from Target to Newco at less than both its cost and market value , this will depress the value of Newco 's shares in Target , so that a subsequent disposal of Target would , in the absence of s32 TCGA , not realise a gain .
20 It is probably fair to say that you can not really hope to run an adequate national TV campaign in the UK for less than about £750000 ; or a national poster campaign for less than £250000 .
21 So two satisfied customers then … vegetarianism at this school looks set to be the dish of the day for more than just National Vegetarian Week .
22 The Queen 's arrival at the New Church of Christ the Cornerstone in Milton Keynes was the beginning of more than just another royal visit .
23 On the other hand , if ATP wanted to demonstrate that they really are interested in the welfare of more than just the top 75 , as some of their lower-ranked members have recently suggested , then helping Birmingham through its current difficulties , which one hopes are only temporary , would not have been a bad thing .
24 In April a US Defence Department study on " burden sharing " claimed that the USA had spent a larger share of its national income on the military budget in 1988 than virtually all its NATO allies , and cited Japan and Canada for what it called " below par " contributions to Western defence .
25 Heating for instance in more than just one room , which for instance became standard in council house building in the late forties onwards .
26 BBC Network Television director Will Wyatt said : ‘ Jonathan has done one of the toughest jobs in television for longer than almost all of his predecessors . ’
27 Even when this is used , it is not advisable to expect a safe endurance of more than about an hour .
28 A heated propagator will maintain a higher temperature than the ambient air , but do not expect it to achieve a lift of more than about 10°C ( ie , if you wish to maintain 21°C/70°F , the greenhouse should be heated to 10°C/50°F ) .
29 Ground with less than about 50% cover is called fellfield ; below about 20% fellfield becomes polar desert .
30 This seemed to me a more important priority in 1959 than overmuch argument about nuclear philosophical heresies of one kind or another .
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