Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 She flew up to Nashville for two weeks ' work and called Dennis from her hotel room exactly eight days after their wedding .
2 At that hour , right across America , all airports ceased operations for two minutes ' silence .
3 And she had laid in Greek brandy and pink champagne for old times ' sake .
4 He has devised a vitamin and mineral supplement called Ultra-Detoxi for the Nature 's Best brand : £16.50 for 30 days ' supply .
5 He pledged more funding for pregnant women 's nutrition , childhood immunisations , and pre-school programmes for underprivileged children .
6 On the left , new and special projects programming executive Brian George receives his award for 25 years ' service from logistics director Mike Cozens .
7 Training has been completed for the week , and the platoon which paraded for its Pass-Off today has now left the barracks for ten days ' leave prior to posting to various battalions in England , Ulster and around Europe .
8 ‘ Hart , in fact despaired over the possibility of producing significant change through traditional children 's educational programs .
9 I went to university for five years ' study .
10 There are quiet times during good children 's programmes .
11 This document made it clear that the responsibility for determining coordinators ' roles rested with the heads , who were encouraged to choose from the 1985 specification provided by the Authority .
12 Many industrialists concede that a large part of the responsibility for British companies ' lame performance must lie with management .
13 Stephen Kunz , Technical Manager , receives his watch for 25 years ' service .
14 Duncan Dawson ( left ) is photographed with Engineering Manager , Ian Haveron , after being presented with his watch for 25 years ' service .
15 It might also prove illuminating if we adopt a dialectical approach , considering , for instance , the conflicts between different characters ' conversational behaviour .
16 Taurus , a computer project that was to have delivered paperless share settlement , was scrapped in March after five years ' work and a £400m ( $150m ) outlay by the City .
17 Robert Johnson , Managing Director of Johnson Brothers , will retire from the Board after 34 years ' loyal and successful service with the Group .
18 At the other end of the world , Shackleton had reached South Georgia Island after two years ' isolation in Antarctica :
19 The 20% no-claims discount rises to 50% after five years ' no-claims .
20 She had returned to Somerville to complete her degree course after two years ' school teaching ( ‘ Taught all the sciences Botany , Zoo , Chemistry .
21 A pilot study at St George 's Hospital in London has suggested that quadruple treatment with rifampicin , ethambutol , isoniazid , and pyrazinamide or clofazamine may be of value , with 10 of 20 patients remaining in remission after nine months ' treatment .
22 Mean energy intake ( Table III ) was not significantly different in the two groups before treatment , increased in both groups after four weeks ' treatment , and was maintained in the steroid treated group but not in the group treated with the elemental diet after 13 weeks .
23 In the field of professional qualifications , a directive is now in force that obliges professional bodies to recognise diplomas awarded in other member states after three years ' training , when granting membership to a particular profession .
24 ‘ I first got interested in the issue of access for off-road cyclists after two years ' National Series racing .
25 Jed-Forest signed a £30,000 deal for three years ' backing from the TSB , Melrose will receive a minimum of £10,000 this season from Concept Group , sponsorship which , through bonuses , could rise to £15,000 if they win the national championship and the Border League , and Stewart 's Melville have a season 's £15,000 support from Dial Office Systems .
26 There is a tension between human beings ' sexual drives and civilization , because the latter needs people who will sublimate sexuality into activities which help to build up and preserve civilization .
27 An earnout may enable the purchaser to bridge the gap between both parties ' price expectations , with the assurance that a higher price will only be paid if projections are achieved .
28 THE European Commission gave the green light yesterday in Brussels for British Airways ' takeover of Dan-Air , dismissing objections by rival carriers and the Belgian government .
29 After initial support from the Department of Employment , Compact has raised funds for four years ' work from Merseyside Training and Enterprise Council , Liverpool City Council and the private sector .
30 These statutes were ironically among the main foci of opposition during those countries ' independence movements .
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