Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As Europe moves towards its goal of a common internal market , and as its institutions for political and security co-operation evolve , the link between the United States and the European Community will become even more important .
2 They have excelled in leading-edge technologies for military and computer applications .
3 Deforestation and agricultural encroachment are among the reasons for this but forest-management policies have also been inadequate .
4 There are a number of reasons for this and Malina is aware of how such phenomena as poverty , crowded home conditions and poor diet can affect physical performances .
5 There are , of course , profound disagreements between Marxist and elite writers as to the causal factors generating this phenomena .
6 These factors have led to a situation where in the UK , for example , the division between commercial and investment banking has largely been eroded .
7 For example , taking the October calls and puts we may make the following division between intrinsic and time values :
8 He also possessed a Manichean view of society , in which the future of civilization depended upon the outcome of the struggle between Nordic and Jew .
9 Primitive worlds or pagan savage and Old Testament prophet must not be forgotten : they are essential to the struggle between good and evil .
10 Politics is thus not conceived of as ‘ a contrivance of human wisdom to provide for human wants ’ ( Burke ) , nor as a matter of interests , conflicts and political goals , but instead as part of the struggle between good and evil .
11 In the struggle between good and evil , we will inevitably suffer .
12 There is no shortage of books that show worlds behind the material one ( the ‘ real ’ world ) , usually as the setting for a struggle between Good and Evil .
13 Such books are , too , always in the firm of a struggle between Good and Evil .
14 It was intended , she supposed , to represent the struggle between good and evil over knowledge ; she was heartened to observe that the effect was , in fact , faintly comic .
16 The approval by the parliamentary Finance Committee on Sept. 20 of US$6.5 million of investments for industrial and infrastructure development in the occupied territories ( including the Golan Heights ) prompted protests by the opposition United Workers ' Party ( Mapam ) .
17 A forward contract is therefore a contract for forward delivery rather than a contract for immediate or spot or cash delivery , and generally no money is exchanged between the counterparties until delivery .
18 oriented computers , as is the case for large and medium.sized computers .
19 joined us in March as technical and quality control manager .
20 The youth training element of the budget for 16 and 17-year-olds is £7 million — roughly half the total budget .
21 Through creative and complex interactions between voluntary and state agencies , new processes and institutions have emerged in Australia to foster health favouring change within an active civil society .
22 I announced in the House on 26 November my plans for recurrent and capital expenditure on grant-aided colleges .
23 the explanatory power and potential planning applicability of geographic theory does not depend on the employed and usually specified spatial axioms but rather on the unspecified axioms about individual and group behaviour .
24 After Morris came Joe Karam and as the 70s went on and on Mains kept playing to his high level for Southern and Otago , but that All Black place he had held so briefly seemed to get further and further away .
25 WE have just about got used to the framework for personal and company pensions introduced in 1986 , with its incentives for ‘ contracting out ’ of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme ( SERPS ) and the freedom to transfer pension rights from company schemes to personal pensions .
26 This is still an unbalanced sharing since spoken language drives the interaction between deaf and hearing ; but it is a beginning .
27 The final two chapters look more closely at the interaction between top-down and bottom-up information given the experimental results .
28 There is no basic difference in technique between visual and instrument flight .
29 Stephen Solarz , chair of the subcommittee for Asian and Pacific affairs of the US House of Representatives , visited Vietnam on Jan. 3 for talks with , amongst others , Vo Van Kiet .
30 There were a number of foreign visitors to Cambodia during January including Nguyen Manh Cam , Foreign Minister of Vietnam , Gen. Phoune Sipaseuth , Foreign Minister of Laos , Ali Alatas , Foreign Minister of Indonesia , Gianni De Michelis , Foreign Minister of Italy , the Earl of Caithness , a Minister of State at the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office , Sadako Ogata , the UN High Commissioner for Refugees , Stephen Solarz , chair of the subcommittee for Asian and Pacific Affairs of the US House of Representatives , and French and Japanese parliamentary delegations .
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