Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] it of the " in BNC.

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1 Rather than reveal qualitative differences among the banks and draw the public 's attention to the bad-debt mess ( not to mention the responsibility for it of the finance ministry , which regulates banks ) , officials are doing everything they can to help banks sweep their problems under the carpet .
2 Erm was there any w part of it of the strike organized in the sense of you giving moral support within the lodge to people who were obviously wavering ?
3 A second general problem is associated with the esteem with which a profession is held by society as a whole and , as far as the public sector is concerned , the attitude towards it of the government of the day .
4 On the other hand it was the submission of Mr. Collins for Wickes that the function of the undertaking in damages required of the council by the Court of Appeal was to protect the right of Wickes which flowed from the direct effect of article 30 , in the event of the European Court of Justice holding , on the reference to it of the Stoke-on-Trent case [ 1991 ] Ch. 48 , that section 47 of the Shops Act 1950 was invalid because it was inconsistent with article 30 .
5 First , s402(6) allows Target to pay up to £100 as consideration for the surrender to it of the £100 group relief , which would be sufficient to meet Newco 's interest obligation .
6 It is also true that Kilvert had no gift for self-analysis , and further that the diary was impoverished by his widow 's removal from it of the volumes which apparently described not only their courtship and marriage , but the two most profound of Kilvert 's previous affairs of the heart ; though she left the frequent passages describing Kilvert 's passionate attachments to young girls , whose fundamentally erotic nature it is clear that neither she nor Kilvert himself recognized .
7 As long as the volume of work undertaken by house-building firms is dependent either upon local authority contracts or upon the doling out at yearly or half-yearly intervals of a meagre number of individual licences , so long will increased productivity , and the gearing to it of the output of the building materials industry , be impossible .
8 Wittek writes that among the basic causes of concern were Bayezid 's policy of using Christian soldiers against the Muslim gazi emirates in Anatolia and the " latinization " of the Ottoman court , the introduction into it of the practices of the Christian Balkan princes , this criticism being reflected in anecdotes relating that Bayezid 's Serbian wife Despina instructed him in the delights of wine .
9 It is the decisions , the policies , the judgement , motives , principles and ambitions , the skill and lack of it of the leading political actors which are decisive .
10 In Ireland she heartened the embryonic movement for the higher education of women by personally securing the involvement in it of the Roman Catholic convent-school nuns .
11 The external threat to it of the restoration of Roman Catholicism through foreign invasion was in the long run less serious than that posed by the Puritans from within .
12 If a cloud forms then it will deplete the atmosphere above it of the substances of which the cloud particles are made .
13 Successive French governments maintained the alliance with Russia which had taken shape by 1894 , in spite of the hostility to it of the powerful socialist and radical parties and the great body of French opinion they represented .
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