Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] and [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Also , since the sole proprietor and directing mind and will of the company was not misled by the audit report , the company could not claim to have been misled by it ; the company and its proprietor were in effect one and the same ( p 111 ; see also p 6 ) .
2 Berg and G were in effect one and the same .
3 We may sec one and the same object changing in shape so as to be transformed into something different — as the baby that Alice was holding gradually turned into a pig before her eyes .
4 The two men , according to Arthur Schlesinger , " found the same things funny and the same things serious " despite the generation gap .
5 Dictionary publishers have limited fonts available and the same font may indicate different roles in different parts of the definitions ( human readers are easily able to use the definitional context to determine the function of a particular font change ) .
6 This perennial plant 's big , bold , green clumps , measuring 90cm/3ft high and the same in diameter , grow even bigger and more productive before they deteriorate after a few years ' growth , and are then best replaced .
7 What is more disturbing if we wish to achieve a simple separation of grammar and semantics is that on occasions one and the same deviance may be cured either by adjustment of closed set items , or by the replacement of open set items .
8 Between January and June 1965 and the same period in 1969 , the Standard 's sales rose from 11,844 to 19,496 copies daily .
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