Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] at the end " in BNC.

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1 The Sw.Fr 150 million 1996 Notes outstanding at the end of 1991 have been swapped into £58 million at an interest rate of 6.85 per cent .
2 The club 's entry in the tenth annual Lerwick Rugby Club Sevens at the end of August was made up exclusively of Sullom Voe staff — Dave Dickson , Mal Smith , Dave Stephenson , Tony Rigby , Nick Cope , Andy Bazeley and Jeff Wood .
3 Look at figure 1 at the end of this chapter and cover up the last column .
4 A statement issued by rainforest countries on Jan. 16 at the end of a rainforest/global warming conference in Sao Paolo , Brazil , recognized that " the conservation of tropical forests is of crucial importance for global climatic stability " but called for simultaneous commitment from industrialized countries to reduce their own production of " greenhouse gases " .
5 If this were really true , it would be difficult to account for the fact that , in the ten-year period 1977 — 87 , the total money supply ( M 1 at the end of the year ) rose approximately thirty-fold , and the cost-of-living index ( average for the year ) rose more than fifty-fold .
6 Such networks are also said to be active in the spirit of the application of the term active at the end of chapter 2 .
7 It is assumed that , having married an Englishwoman , he returned to France in December 1788 at the end of his six months ' leave .
8 A communiqué issued on July 4 at the end of a five-day meeting of the central committee of the ruling Parti congolais du travail ( PCT ) announced agreement on wide-ranging political reforms , specifically ( i ) broadening membership of the party ; ( ii ) abandoning Marxism-Leninism as the ideology of the state ; ( iii ) separating the functions of party and state ; ( iv ) ending the one-party system ; and ( v ) strengthening existing mechanisms allowing for freedom of expression , of the press , and of association .
9 The ruling Serbian Communist Party , a republican section of the LCY , voted on July 17 at the end of a two-day convention in Belgrade to combine with the pro-communist Socialist Alliance umbrella group in forming a new political party , to be known as the Serbian Socialist Party ; the name change did not indicate any substantive change in the party 's hitherto hardline communist policy , but rather a formal acknowledgement of the continuing trend in Eastern Europe away from the old-style communist parties .
10 A similar agreement with Kenya was signed on May 11 at the end of a visit from the Kenyan Foreign Affairs Minister , Wilson Ndolo Ayah .
11 On Sept. 4 at the end of a two-day visit to Tehran by Foreign Minister Pascoal Mocumbi , it was announced that Mozambique would open an embassy in Tehran and that Iran would open one in Maputo " in the near future " .
12 With the authorities buying in gilt-edged stock the size of the market has declined — from £142 billion at the end of 1988 to £129 billion at the end of 1989 .
13 Mongolia received its first visit from a Japanese Prime Minister when Toshiki Kaifu arrived in Ulan Bator on Aug. 13 at the end of his visit to China .
14 UK Defence Secretary Malcolm Rifkind signed a " statement of joint intention " with the Kuwaiti government on Sept. 22 for the supply of British military equipment , possibly including Vickers Challenger 2 tanks , British Aerospace Hawk fighter aircraft , and naval vessels ; Rifkind left Kuwait on Sept. 23 at the end of a three-day visit .
15 On May 24 , 1989 , the Paris Club creditor nations agreed to reschedule approximately $550 million of Cameroon 's outstanding public foreign debt ( estimated at $2,785 million at the end of 1987 by the World Bank ) .
16 The head of the joint UN and International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) special commission on Iraq , Rolf Ekeus , left Iraq on July 19 at the end of three days of fruitless negotiations with Iraqi officials .
17 Some say Newcastle deserved to drop into Division Three at the end of another season of turmoil at St James 's Park .
18 The report concluded that there had consequently been a major increase in defaults and arrears during 1990 , with some $85,000 million of interest and capital repayment outstanding at the end of the year , about three times the level recorded in 1985 .
19 Four Trix is a former winner of the Scottish National and has inconsistent form but Richards is more keen on the chance of On The Other Hand whom he bought out of the John Mulhern stable at the end of last month .
20 The figures for applications heard by a single Lord Justice and two and three Lords Justices went a long way to explaining why , despite the facts that the rate at which appeals were begun had shown little change over the years , there had been some small increase in judge-power and that major improvements had been made in the court 's procedures , the number of appeals outstanding at the end of each year and the lead times for hearing appeals showed no real improvement .
21 Williams ' goal lifted the Sky Blues to second place in the Premier League — and punters can get 1,000-1 on a Norwich-Coventry one-two at the end of the season .
22 The Bank 's holdings of commercial bills — the " bill mountain " — fell from a peak level of £14.3 billion in February 1985 to £2.4 billion at the end of June 1989 .
23 According to official Chinese estimates , the stock of Taiwanese investment in the mainland jumped from $1.4 billion at the end of 1991 to $1 billion at the end of 1992 .
24 Mr Birt became the £140,000-a-year director general at the end of last year but was employed by his own company to gain tax advantages .
25 Francis Seymour Haden 's ‘ earth to earth ’ wicker basket , Dottridge Brothers ' lacquered papier-mâché ‘ earth to earth ’ coffin , the metallic shell with glass face panel and gutta-percha seal — so convenient for viewing the remains of the repatriated — and the shallow cremation coffin with its combustible metal fittings and recessed lid ( tailored to fit Gorini 's furnaces at St John 's , Woking ) were four of the better-known alternatives available at the end of the nineteenth century to those interested in the sanitary disposal of the dead .
26 Yet the resources available to these boroughs through Housing Investment Programme allocations fell from around £160 million at the end of the 1970s to about £60 million in real terms by 1987–8 .
27 The report noted that sharp increases in arrears on interest payments to commercial banks , from about $10,000 million at the end of 1988 to about $16,400 million a year later , meant that " the prospects for any increases in sources of external financing for the developing countries are not promising " .
28 The value of annual imports rose rapidly from £276 in 1722 to almost £80 000 at the end of the century .
29 The examination is in two parts , Part I after nine months ( written paper , MCQ , and X-ray film viewing and viva ) , Part II at the end of the second year ( written paper , practical , X-ray film reporting and viva ) .
30 They had invested in junk in the first place because of government policy , accounting for 7% of bonds outstanding at the end of 1988 .
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