Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] than a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This tiny car — it 's a foot shorter than a Mini — might be the breath of fresh air Europe 's choked and choking cities have been looking for .
2 There were no houses , no people , no hills , and not a rock bigger than a cricket ball .
3 This dual emphasis on the reader and on analysis of texts in units larger than a sentence seems to offer the beginnings at least of a new approach to text research , one which moves beyond a correlational approach to readability and starts instead to identify causal relationships between aspects of texts and difficulties in comprehension .
4 More than 200 pages later Genet writes ‘ out of the crowd a glance swifter than a wink reveals two fedayeen as two lovers …
5 Jay gags , this is where love has brought me , rooting through the bins like a vagrant , looking for a sheet of high-gloss photographic paper and a bad profile shot of Lucy smaller than a postage stamp .
6 For this reason , and because of the limited use for such general data-types , the only data-types smaller than a word which are at all commonly provided for in the instruction set are half-words , characters , and decimal digits .
7 No one must own any horse other than a work horse ; arms were forbidden ; informers were planted in every community to report on breaches of regulations or even suspicions about a man 's trade or lack of it ; and in all cases of doubt , summary hanging was in order .
8 The most watched programme other than a soap was a repeat of Denis Norden 's The Worst Of It 'll Be Alright On The Night .
9 At least in the first stage of transition , there is no alternative other than a combination of the market and state regulation .
10 It can perform any action other than a communication with the terminated process ( which clearly can not agree to any communication ) .
11 So that fellow Smallholders can each exchange their Smallholding and responsibilities with like minded anywhere in the country for little expense other than a registration fee , cost of food and petrol to get there .
12 Visually the film is closer to a Babycham commercial than a Tenniel illustration . ’
13 The System 15000 , due for delivery by the end of the year , will sell at around £10,000 more than a base 10000 system .
14 A fate worse than a cookbook
15 The conventional form is generally convenient ; it is useful to have equal eigenvalues in groups and to the use superdiagonal ; but in particular cases it may be well to use a nonzero quantity other than a unit in the superdiagonal .
16 In a show of unity rarer than a dodo sighting , the US Big Six have issued a joint statement of position in an attempt to focus attention on the ‘ epidemic of litigation ’ that is beginning to threaten the very existence of many American firms .
17 It is blueish in colour , six times larger than a chicken 's egg , and about to make ornithological history .
18 Eight times larger than a lion , the griffin has an acute sense of hearing , and its talons are highly prized for their ability to change colour when they come into contact with poison .
19 The price of all meats fell more in real terms than all foods — rising in price 15% less than inflation over the past 10 years — and are now 13% cheaper than a decade ago .
20 The erm , yes these and it started to be like warfare more than a game you know at that stage but hopefully now we 're getting back to some sort of sanity with the membership cards you know , because we , the crowd is segregated from the away supporters now and that 's cos if Walsall go into the second division again they 'll have to spend so much I believe on the ground to cage the away supporters in which they do n't have to do in the third division .
21 There was no furniture in the room other than a cupboard in the far corner in which were kept special foods such as plates of dates selected from the great storehouse or the enamel pots poured full of the sweet of the area .
22 When choosing dowel at any place other than a kite store which would have selected its stock , rotate the spar between thumb and forefinger of one hand while resting the dowel in the other hand and check that the spar is straight .
23 The purchaser should reject outright any suggestion by any vendor other than a liquidator , administrator or receiver that , unlike a share sale , there is no need to give warranties in an asset sale .
24 Most blinds other than a roller blind will screen out too much light .
25 unc Volumes greater than a litre are usually left in tens , hundreds or thousands of litres so only this table is needed for most practical purposes .
26 ( 4 ) If the provision of a specimen other than a specimen of breath may be required in pursuance of this section the question whether it is to be a specimen of blood or a specimen of urine shall be decided by the constable making the requirement , but if a medical practitioner is of the opinion that for medical reasons a specimen of blood can not or should not be taken the specimen shall be a specimen of urine .
27 Is a computer better than a doctor ?
28 Nothing gives so bad an impression to the other members of the committee and to the officers present than a member who talks without having read his agenda papers , or who has missed an earlier meeting where the matter was fully discussed or who talks for the sake of talking on every subject .
29 But actually those videos cost s less than a pound to produce each .
30 the absence of any bereavement payment of £3,500 to persons other than a spouse or parent who has lost a child under 18 .
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