Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A new 31-member " central committee for the comprehensive management of public security " , headed by politburo standing committee member Qiao Shi , was set up on March 22 to liaise with the party central committee and the State Council in supervising work to improve public order and social stability .
2 Six of our residents took part in a driving exercise and we demonstrated that clearly and this is for your benefit we 'll give it to you , although it 's three miles longer to the point where the A sixty one joins the A one , even with the present state of the A one , it is ten minutes quicker to go via the A six five eight , A fifty nine , A one route .
3 ‘ I play with the slide on my little finger , so I leave three fingers free to fret behind the slide .
4 Scott 's instructions to proceed with working drawings followed on 17th March with a request for a list of builders willing to tender for the work .
5 It seemed a bit risky to begin on the main pieces of work , so I made a separate swatch .
6 The ionaz ionization detector , often a little bit quicker to react to a hot blazing type of fire such as your chip pan .
7 We face the vastly increased traffic projections for the twenty-first century with roads adequate to deal with the conditions of the nineteenth .
8 ‘ Is n't Barney due to fly to the States at the end of March ? ’
9 The royals won a bumper rise two years ago in a deal due to last until the end of the decade .
10 Almost five hundred friends and relatives have made the trip to Winchester , to encourage and support the recruits due to graduate to the status of trained Light Division soldiers .
11 Men are in voluntarily unemployed if , in the event of a small rise in the price of wage-goods relatively to the money-wage , both the aggregate supply of labour willing to work for the current money-wage and the aggregate demand for it at that wage would be greater than the existing volume of employment .
12 In an instant , all the deadness , the withdrawal was wiped away , leaving his mind clear to operate with the precision of a surgeon 's scalpel .
13 There is still a high integration workload and the business has to look further out into the future to enable it to respond to the changes and opportunities likely to occur in the industry .
14 So we need to identify to what extent the o the quotes problem erm is cau is , is skewing the figures primarily to be able to get a forecast view of , okay what 's the overtime likely to do over the year ?
15 The Supreme Court agreed on Jan. 21 to rule on the constitutionality of Pennsylvania 's restrictive abortion law before the end of its current session in July 1992 .
16 Here , we might note , the wife enunciates the aggressive sexual joke that Freud supposed to originate with the man .
17 Wings of Oracle is the first sponsored boat likely to sail in a British Admiral 's Cup team .
18 Parliament voted on Jan. 17 to renew for a further six months the state of emergency first imposed under the Ian Smith regime in 1965 [ see p. 21092 ] and regularly renewed since then .
19 It seems possible to suggest , then , that in Fahreddin Acemi one finds the full realization of a conscious policy ( perhaps partly realized in Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan ) on the part of Murad II to create within the state " … alongside of the secular power , a religious authority … representing , so to speak , the religious conscience of the people " .
20 Iron combined with organic matter can not be removed by the methods applicable to iron in the ionized form .
21 Refunds will be provided at point of sale for fans unable to go to the relevant dates .
22 He wanted the Taiwan Ten to go to a commercial safari park until a ‘ suitable ’ rehabilitation centre could be found .
23 ii European collaboration will help create an industry able to compete with the US .
24 More than 100,000 people demonstrated in Paris on Jan. 25 to protest against the rise of right-wing extremism and racism in France and elsewhere in Europe .
25 John Talbot was born in the same year as the Catholic Relief Act was passed and as a result was one of the first sons of Catholic gentlemen able to benefit from a solid Catholic education in Britain .
26 For instance , Tarrow hypotheses that where a generally populist strategy is adopted by a broad-based urban-rural coalition able to call on a strong administrative apparatus , social policy may have a general redistributive impact in raising the standard of living in the periphery .
27 The effective transaction of communicative business requires the parties concerned to enter into a sort of social contract involving adherence to what has been called the ‘ Cooperative Principle ’ ( see Grice 1975 ) .
28 To be used successfully a simulation model must adequately represent the system under study and there must be sufficient relevant data available to allow for the calibration or tuning of the model .
29 When investigating an alleged miscarriage of justice , I have always made it a rule first to talk to the convicted man 's trial solicitor as he is likely to be the last man his client would wish to con , or would succeed in conning ii he tried .
30 For example , if a company has only a limited amount of funds available to spend over the next few years , centralised management would be able to take a balanced view of how the funds should be shared out between production , marketing , research and development , motor vehicles , other fixed asset purchases in different departments etc .
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