Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The experimental limit on A given later in Section 11.5 is so that on Earth the acceleration due to the cosmological term is about 10–22 times that due to the gravitational pull of the Sun .
2 As the riders passed they called out : high-pitched cries which startled the birds that nested in the tree-tops .
3 Taste honey fresh straight from the hive !
4 We need to find the magnetic flux through ring 2 due to the current in ring 1 .
5 But it passed by , the crew too involved with the early flight of their craft and not expecting to find any intruders this close to the runway .
6 Israeli security forces carried out a series of raids in the West Bank on Jan. 22 resulting in the arrest of at least 60 Palestinians , most of them supporters of the radical Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( PFLP ) .
7 Edward III left for the south feeling well satisfied with the outcome .
8 This thickening is the area of the postsynaptic membrane which contains the receptor molecules and which traps the transmitter released from the many small vesicles visible packed into the presynaptic terminal .
9 From experience , and depending on the species selected , it has been found that with these numbers of large cichlids all present in the same tank , there is not the space for any of them to be able to establish a permanent territory and fight off all invaders .
10 Primary productivity is generally low , averaging 10–50mg C m -2 daily in May and June and rising to 70–80 mg C m -2 daily during the summer peak of production ; on average only 6–12g C m -2 fixed throughout the year ( Kalff , 1970 ; Minns , 1977 ) .
11 Primary productivity is generally low , averaging 10–50mg C m -2 daily in May and June and rising to 70–80 mg C m -2 daily during the summer peak of production ; on average only 6–12g C m -2 fixed throughout the year ( Kalff , 1970 ; Minns , 1977 ) .
12 One can arrive in Torquay on chartered Venice Simplon Orient Express and have theme 1930s evenings with casinos and Palm Court Orchestras all arrangeable through the English Riviera Convention Bureau , The Tourist Centre , Vaughan Parade , Torquay ( ) , which provides mini-guides and other information .
13 Figure 5 Orang-utan from the Penny Encyclopedia , vol. 1 , 1833 .
14 Privatizing what is the first thing the government do to make B R more attractive to the private sector ?
15 We shall be spending more than £1 billion gross on the housing budget .
16 The report follows hot on the heels of the move by financier George Soros , the man who is said to have made £1 billion speculating on the collapse of sterling on Black Wednesday , who last month tied up a £500m investment with property giant British Land .
17 The address for Antique Designs Ltd printed in the March issue should have read 277 Little Road , SW6 .
18 In advancing legal arguments and in taking direct political action those active in the peace movement can be reinforced by the knowledge that the hesitant political support given by others to the policies of nuclear deterrence is underpinned only by the belief that their leaders genuinely desire peace and disarmament .
19 To help you get around there 's an air-conditioned hire car available FREE for the duration of your stay .
20 The company states openly that the aim is to earn greater returns on its silicon design investments by making the designs available early to the broadest possible customer base .
21 Data General Ltd in the UK has signed up ICL-owned distributor Technology plc of Warrington , Cheshire as its first ever UK distributor for the AViiON and CLARiiON product lines .
22 These user experiences will tie up with a process we describe in Chapter 9 concerned with the changing relationship between medicine and the heroin user seeking treatment .
23 The money will be directed at community GP services and primary health care over the next six years , with £43.5 million available in the coming year , Mrs Bottomley told the Commons .
24 The plucky youngster , of Parkside , Ladgate Lane , is in London as one of ten finalists in the Smarties Young Junior of the Year national handwriting competition .
25 Does the Minister agree that agriculture is the backbone of the rural economy and that the loss to the Angus economy of more than £1 million due to the closure of Anglia Canners in Brechin is a body blow to agriculture , transport , ancillary industries and the whole community ?
26 It reckons that the figures are about £487 million short of the sum needed .
27 The survey will also have an annual budget of $180 million , with more than $100 million coming from the US Fish and Wildlife Service , and draw on 1,600 employees seconded from within the department .
28 All councils faced massive problems , he said , with Lothian being £19.68 million above the capping limit ; Strathclyde , £20 million ; and Fife , £11.3 million short of the figure it needed to maintain services .
29 Above : Car 710 en-route for the Tramway Museum , passes through a hilly street in Huddersfield .
30 Indeed , we have delayed publication so as to incorporate a large part of the ASH detailed brief on the subject in the paper .
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