Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [prep] [Wh det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The Civic Democratic Party was reported as favouring a continued federal structure , while the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia argued for a confederation of two sovereign states each of which would be a separate legal entity in international law .
2 The August event will take a similar format to the spring event with the addition of an LMS Dray with horse , Hansom Carriage with horse and a Scammel Scarrib Mechanical Horse all of which will be at the Ingrow Railway Centre .
3 I am thinking of unfortunate scholars in foreign universities who can not ‘ hold down their jobs ’ unless they repeatedly publish articles each of which must say , or seem to say , something new about some literary work …
4 It provides the power to drive the chain of buckets each of which can lift 7 cwt ( 356 Kg ) of silt .
5 The context consists of a set of elements some of which will be sampled along with elements of the target stimulus on each exposure .
6 Those requirements may be broken down into three separate limbs all of which must be satisfied .
7 On Sept. 14 Japan announced that it would provide $2,000 million to the frontline states , $600 million of which would be sent immediately .
8 You are thus investing money for retirement much of which would only otherwise have been paid to the taxman
9 There are roughly three kinds all of which can use one or a mixture of dance styles .
10 Our outfit comes to £211 — still expensive but these dresses are quality items each of which would look good on their own .
11 The only guide available to what may be very popular in the future is felt to be what has been very popular in the past .
12 Structured methodologies use techniques most of which can be followed by analysts and users alike .
13 One prominent tendency in recent Marxist thought , therefore , has been to replace the relatively simple and precise evolutionary scheme of Marx 's 1859 Preface by a more complex and indefinite picture of the history of society in which , beyond the primitive communal stage , two broad types of society are distinguished — pre-capitalist and capitalist each of which may develop very diverse forms of economy , politics and culture .
14 But they , they are a little bit inclined to what shall we spend some money on next , are n't they ?
15 This will condense and form a fine dust much of which will return to the surface , most of it a long way from the impact .
16 Some databases may have all the information in one record held in one large field e.g. Prestel , COMMUNITEL or MICROVIEWDATA databases , while database management programs may have a number of fields all of which can be accessed individually e.g. KWIRS , SIR , QUEST or MASTERFILE .
17 The only thing I would say is , is that we 're looking to er start in the next quarter various plans for maintenance routines one of which will be o , actually on furniture .
18 The worlds relevant to assessing the right-hand side of the principle of closure are the nearest group in which q is true , and the nearest group in which q is false , i.e. completely different sets of worlds one of which may be , as in our actual example , far more remote from our world than are any of the first four groups .
19 It is around this time that the demand for films began to increase substantially and producers built larger studios to produce pictures that , while longer than before , were still some way short of what would become established feature length .
20 Both authorities emphasised the importance of the health helpline to start from April 1 on which would offer the chance of feedback from patients with grievances .
21 This theme emerged when Peltier ( 1950 ) identified nine different and possible morphogenetic regimes each of which should be distinguished by a characteristic assemblage of geomorphic processes .
22 Of course , in many federations there are larger and smaller parts , but usually several large and several small parts all of which can keep each other in some overall balance .
23 The research examines and evaluates such support in three very different national contexts all of which can claim successes in the computer field .
24 Mankind will have to accept that this product of immense periods of time was indisputably in existence inside the evolutionary story , waiting to be taken up as the only source available from which could be acquired a foundation for the God that man must ultimately have , and which was not completely imaginary , and therefore subject to unlimited interpretations .
25 You reckon Hatton would also have told him the river bed was full of stones one of which would make a suitable weapon for knocking off his informant ? ’
26 But Aeroflot , its successor or its 20 constituent parts-each of which may form the nucleus of a national carrier in the republics-are likely to need 500 new or newish Western aircraft to continue services .
27 There are two common types both of which can be switched on or off according to need .
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