Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [adv] [conj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 We can see therefore that in this model government debt is equivalent to a fall in T 1 accompanied by a rise in T 2 so as to leave the present value of lump-sum tax payments unchanged ( Diamond , 1973b , p. 222 , and Bierwag , Grove and Khang , 1969 ) .
2 Despite this , however , he was treated with some suspicion by Parliament , who restricted his ability to raise taxes to pay for army or navy forces , so he turned to Louis XIV of France , who secretly made funds available so as to improve the failing status of the Roman Catholic Church in England , where the Church of England virtually excluded all ‘ dissenters ’ , which included Roman Catholics .
3 Section 4 of the 1982 Act amends the Law Reform ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1934 so as to exclude the survival of any claim for damages for loss of earnings during the lost years for the benefit of the estate in respect of deaths occurring on or after 1 January 1983 .
4 The Society 's view is that a more positive solution is needed : to amend the Financial Services Act 1986 so as to make it clear precisely how far rules made under the Act displace the general law .
5 Section 2 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1986 amends s. 6(4) of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 so as to provide that it is unlawful for a person to discriminate against a woman :
6 Clause 2 amends the Prison Act 1952 so as to increase the penalty for sending anything into prison with the intent to facilitate an escape .
7 In his well argued submissions Mr. Wall submitted that the discretion conferred on the court by article 13 ( a ) of the Convention is a discretion to be exercised ( a ) within the context of the purpose and principles laid down by the Convention and ( b ) by applying the criteria contained within the Convention itself , and that it is accordingly not a discretion to exercise the inherent jurisdiction of the court in wardship or under the Children Act 1989 so as to act in what the court perceives to be the best interests of the child .
8 Since the enactment of s 459 1985 , it has been regarded as a better remedy for a minority affected by prejudice in a company to ask for a share purchase order under s 461 rather than to seek a return of share capital through a winding-up petition which results in the liquidation of a solvent company ( a member can not petition under s 122(1) ( g ) if the company is insolvent because he has no interest ) .
9 Upon receiving the report , the court can make an interim order under s 252 so as to facilitate the implementation of the proposed voluntary arrangement or make a bankruptcy order ( s 274 ) .
10 ‘ Maybe we should breed men an inch high so as to live a million years . ’
11 I knew of one farm where they served the suet and gravy first so as to take the edge off their hunger and save the meat .
12 The optional words in brackets in subclause 8.1.2 should be included for obvious reasons , and it is suggested that if those words were included then so should the words at the end of subclause 8.1.4 so as to avoid a conflict .
13 Practice — Discovery — Privilege against self-incrimination — Action for damages for fraud and breach of trust — Plaintiffs obtaining order requiring defendants to disclose information and documents — Proviso prohibiting use of information in criminal proceedings — Defendants claiming privilege against self-incrimination — Whether proviso effective to protect defendants — Whether plaintiffs ' claim proprietary so as to defeat claim to privilege — Whether claim for infringement of rights pertaining to commercial information — Supreme Court Act 1981 ( c. 54 ) , s. 72
14 The delay , such as it was , was not unjustifiable ; the chances of prejudice were remote ; the degree of potential prejudice was small ; the powers of the judge and the trial process itself would have provided ample protection for the respondent ; there was no danger of the trial being unfair ; in any event the case was in no sense exceptional so as to justify the ruling .
15 The delay , such as it was , was not unjustifiable ; the chances of prejudice were remote ; the degree of potential prejudice was small ; the powers of the judge and the trial process itself would have provided ample protection for the respondent ; there was no danger of the trial being unfair ; in any event the case was in no sense exceptional so as to justify the ruling .
16 Consequently it was decided to approve the proposals outlined in Section 2 above and to authorise the Director of Finance to initiate the appointment process .
17 ( 2 ) For the purposes of this section : ( a ) " special road " and " special road authority " have the same meanings as in the Roads ( Scotland ) Act 1984 and ( b ) " class I " means class 1 in Schedule 3 to the Act , as varied from time to time by any order under section 8 of that Act , but , if that Schedule is amended by such an order so as to add to it a further class of traffic , the order may adapt the reference in this section to traffic of class 1 so as to take account of the additional class .
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