Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( 4 ) The inner strophes have 11 participles and no conjugated verb-forms , while the outer strophes each have a conjugated form repeated in the form of a chiasmus ( Is lust … list/is ; well knowes … knowes well ) ; to this parallel between strophes I and IV there also corresponds a set of echoing pairs within strophes II and III ( Injoyd — joy ; had — Had , — mad — Mad ; purpose — proposd ) .
2 It is not in any case possible to pin a particular explanatory model to a specific political strategy or standpoint .
3 In the nine patients with normal gastric pH patterns eight had a normal oesophageal pH profile .
4 In addition each had a U-shaped bracket in the top of each vertebra which housed a stout cable-like ligament running the length of the neck .
5 In addition each shows a different preference for quantitative forecasts , compared with more qualitative outlooks .
6 If two constables spent ten hours each investigating the false report before discovering the truth then the total hours wasted would be twenty .
7 The grammar used by METAL is rule-based but the rules each have an associated weight ( Caeyers & Adriaens , 1990 ) .
8 The State Bank of Pakistan on March 22 halted the world-wide sale of foreign exchange bearer certificates .
9 Hebrews 2 contains a fascinating idea that Jesus had to be made human in order to overcome death for us ; that is to say , he pioneered our way through the deep waters of death .
10 In Britain 's case this requires a specific Act of Parliament .
11 Bevin and the Foreign Office were on occasion more sensitive to this issue — but in Bevin 's case this produced the bizarre proposal to hang on in the Middle East from a base in inhospitable ( but British ) territory 2,000 miles from the Suez Canal , Even Bullock is forced to concede that Bevin was ‘ obsessed ’ with the Middle East , an obsession he never seems to have lost .
12 In Ruffo 's case this necessitated a striking change of style from his Madrigali a notte negre ( Venice , 1545 ) and Madrigali cromatici of 1552 .
13 For instance , the stretching motion of a homonuclear diatomic molecule such as N 2 generates no oscillating dipole , and so direct interaction with the oscillating electric vector by the normally-dominant dipole mechanism is impossible .
14 The central committee of Likud , the main party of the right-wing ruling coalition , convened on March 1-2 to elect a ranked list of 50 candidates for the general election scheduled for June 23 .
15 LCH has discretion under reg 12 to require a clearing member " to furnish it with cover " in respect of all contracts for the time being registered in his name .
16 The National Council of the League passed a resolution in March 1933 urging the Labour party and TUC to arrange " a meeting with the representatives of the Co-op movement , the ILP and the CP for the purpose of proposing to them a basis for United Action " .
17 In some cases this included a continued emphasis on an elite group of master farmers ; in others it included the development of settlement schemes where a concentration of supporting services were supposed to create a group of commercial , if small-scale , farmers ; in others it included the development of large government-owned estates , managed by parastatal companies as described in Chapter 8 .
18 Part 1 of the reports is always concerned solely with factual matters — the facts of the accident that were established through investigation in depth ; part 2 comprises a detailed analysis or discussion of the facts ; part 3 contains the conclusions and opinion of the inspector as to the cause or probable cause of the accident ; and part 4 lists recommendations for the avoidance of similar accidents in the future .
19 Part 2 introduces a new grammar , and includes a functional component .
20 The procurator fiscal has a wide measure of autonomy , both in a discretion whether to prosecute and in choosing the charges .
21 Hence , in the figure , portfolio P 1 has a positive value for and portfolio P 2 has a negative value for .
22 For many operators this involves a complete reappraisal of the nature of their enterprise , and underlines the importance of attaining more permanent occupancy of their site .
23 Of course this makes the present situation sound dramatically worse than it is .
24 In the continuing controversy over election results in a small number of parliamentary seats [ see pp. 36983-84 for October 1989 general election ] , the regional High Court in Murcia on March 2 awarded the one seat still at issue there back to the ruling Spanish Socialist Workers ' Party ( PSOE ) .
25 In part this reflected the wider " crisis of legitimacy " affecting the welfare state in Britain and many other Western countries and is part of that critique .
26 In part this reflected the usual vested interests of existing local authorities , but there were also the special difficulties caused by an uneven distribution of population .
27 In part this reflects the political and constitutional environment in which our government operates .
28 In part this reflects the genuine difficulty in measuring marginal benefits .
29 Category 2 includes the long-eared owl , Verreaux eagle owl , and the great grey owl , with total digestion percentages of 20–30 per cent , and this is considerably higher than the category 1 species .
30 In a speech on March 30 to mark the Moslem feast-day of Lailat al-Qadr , President Hosni Mubarak made more direct criticism than previously of " religious fanaticism " which had strayed from the correct teachings of Islam , and " ethnic fanaticism " ( the latter an allusion to attacks against Coptic Christians ) .
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