Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] over to the " in BNC.

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1 The play moved over to the other side of the field and they stopped their conversation for a moment to follow it .
2 At the end nearest the tube station was a block of shops containing a small supermarket run by Pakistanis , a Greek restaurant run by Cypriots , a triple-fronted emporium given over to the sale of motor-cycle spare parts and equipment and a paper shop run by people who when asked where they came from ingenuously replied that they were Cape Coloureds .
3 It wove its way through the commercial dockside industry of the town which gave place , in time , to acres given over to the cultivation of the motor car in all its stages , new , second-hand and crushed to scrap .
4 Bernice moved over to the creatures .
5 Quickly , Marie moved over to the entrance .
6 Her glance moved over to the phone — should she ring Ven about her car ?
7 The superintendent wandered over to the window .
8 or the State , everything was in effect handed over to the UndergrounD Group , under a new name .
9 Rex called over to the waitress , who was hovering near at hand hoping for a walk-on part .
10 Woolley went over to the wall map .
11 Woolley went over to the adjutant 's office .
12 Kebbel 's eyes drifted over to the window .
13 As Penny went over to the drinks table the headmaster was in full spate .
14 Rex leaned over to the lad in a chummy sort of fashion .
15 Fetching a bottle of rum and paper cups from the bar and a carrier bag of fresh oranges from the kitchen , Trent strolled over to the lobster Co-operative .
16 Zen wandered over to the window , trying to push it back together again .
17 Lissa wandered over to the window and gazed out over the expanse of carefully tended shrubbery that bordered the car park .
18 A cowboy sauntered over to the bar , and sidled up next to them .
19 Federalist countries such as Belgium and Italy recoil from this idea , as they want interior-ministry work turned over to the EC .
20 Pete walked over to the steps .
21 On her feet again , Joy walked over to the table with two slim girls seated there .
22 Then , with a shrug , he let his gaze slide over to the coffee-pot .
23 ‘ He 's hungry , sir , I think , ’ she said as Dr. Briant walked over to the crib .
24 Zen walked over to the door opening directly into his of office , taking the diary with him .
25 Simon strode over to the table and picked up the parchment on top of the pile .
26 Pete went over to the wagon , and as he was taking out the inventory clipboard he explained that they 'd be going down to the boat house in Diane 's pickup truck .
27 After she had gone , Lissa went over to the security cupboard and took out a couple of files and two slim ledgers .
28 What had happened was that O had been at home , not sleeping , thinking about Boy at six in the morning , and he had called up and said , ‘ Are you watching TV , ’ to which Boy had replied , as the man had heard , ‘ Yes , ’ and then O had told Boy to turn over to the boxing ; he 'd just said , ‘ Get up and change to the third channel .
29 Zen went over to the row of luggage lockers , laid the plastic package in one , dropped in three-hundred-lire coins , locked the door and pocketed the key .
30 Richmann strode over to the injured man , and glared down furiously .
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