Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] about the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I thank the right hon. Gentleman for his kind remarks about the work of the Select Committee on European legislation made during the debate on 21 November .
2 Norms develop about the task , i.e. the work the people were hired to do .
3 And no matter how the experts argued about the legitimacy of descent through the female line , nevertheless the people recognised no bar , and the council had accepted it as just and right when Richard , in view of his childlessness , had been urged to name his heir presumptive , and had named Philippa 's elder son , Roger , earl of March .
4 On July 15 the Iranian Foreign Ministry protested about the action of some 230 United Kingdom members of parliament ( MPs ) in signing on the previous day a statement supporting the exiled National Council of Resistance , which was dominated by the Mojahedin-e Khalq .
5 Where interviewers are centrally grouped they can be called together for a briefing session , when any queries can be raised and dealt with on the spot , but where large organizations have interviewers scattered about the country this may be a counsel of perfection , although peripatetic fieldwork supervisors do invaluable work in this as well as other areas .
6 Alex Household sat in a chair by the wall , smugly reading the lines into a small transmitter with an aerial , while Michael Banks moved about the stage area with the deaf-aid in his ear .
7 For four weeks we have heard telecasters mutter about the margin of error .
8 Julia Snell writes about the brother and sister team who influenced British freestyle skiing
9 Outside , the storm howled about the house as though a pack of wild wolves were trying to get in .
10 The first thing someone familiar with Christine Brooke-Rose 's fiction notices about the novel is that it reads almost like conventional science fiction .
11 One of the kids asked about the foal and it suddenly occurred to me they 'd like to see all the mares , so I had them brought inside specially for visitors ' day . "
12 Doubts remain about the saga of four men who spent 118 days drifting atop their upturned trimaran after it had been flipped by a huge wave before being washed up on an island near Auckland .
13 It is expected to be operational with an office in Brussels early next year and although some doubts remain about the scope of the redefined Scotland Europa , the Council has agreed , in principle , to support the initiative .
14 The superintendent explained about the name of the guest Nicola was expecting to meet .
15 Secondly , when the Department asked about the balance and breadth of the curriculum it found that few authorities encouraged schools to discuss the issues and it was mainly through routine visits of advisers that concern for balance and breadth was promoted .
16 The yard was squalid and run down , the lads slouched about the place resentfully , the tack was old and dirty with repair patches showing on almost every item of leather .
17 Retiring NCS chairman Sir Martin Wood said that it had ‘ no axe to grind about the past — nobody knew how promising [ high temperature superconductivity ] would become .
18 Now the assumption that erm Napoleon made about the future of Europe was Europe with France as the leader and this is an assumption which challenged directly the political integrity of all the other European states .
19 The second interview asked about the situation at year end 1991–2 ; the budget for 1992–3 ; contracts for 1992–3 ; management and organisational changes ; patient services ; information handling ; and fundholding in the next three to four years .
20 The practice questionnaires asked about the presence of 16 items of equipment on the premises .
21 In his paper ‘ Analysis Terminable and Interminable ’ ( 1937 ) , which belongs to the same period of Freud 's life as Moses and Monotheism , Freud writes about the way in which nearly all women patients show signs of wishing to be men , and men seek to avoid taking a passive attitude towards other men , including a male therapist .
22 Yet this is the first serious attempt to write about the revolution since the heyday of the early 1970s .
23 For good measure the piece whined about the cost of the call .
24 The wind howled about the building , driving rain against the shutters .
25 ‘ I did n't fancy having a lot of kids tearing about the house , but , having brought up my own , I did n't feel I had an excuse .
26 On the morning of his departure Mr Slipper wandered about the school shaking hands with everyone and everything in sight .
27 I wish I could have 2,000 words to write about THE SIZE OF HER HANDS .
28 Norwegians worry about the difficulty of keeping people on the land of a country that is larger in area than Italy or Britain , but which has only 4.3m citizens .
29 This will stop your eyes wandering about the page but still allows peripheral vision so that you are able to anticipate what is coming next .
30 The terms were used in some LEAs to identify children on Statements of Special Educational Needs , and they were adopted by some authors to talk about the curriculum ( Gulliford 1985 ) .
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