Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] them [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This uncertainty might , on the one hand , encourage social commentators in the attitude expressed by a writer in The Economist in 1848 : ‘ In our condition suffering and evil are nature 's admonitions ; they can not be got rid of ; and the impatient attempts of benevolence to banish them from the world by legislation , before benevolence has learnt their object and their end , have always been productive of more evil than good . ’
2 How many uplifts should I use , and do I need special adaptors to connect them to the filter ?
3 There is little evidence that peasant faith declined , but the authority of village priests was progressively undermined : in terms of culture and way of life they differed too little from the ordinary villagers to inspire much respect , and the miserly provision made them by the State resulted in constant friction over money matters between priest and parishioner .
4 Contemporaries distrusted them in the belief that they brought an unsavoury speculative element to the market in stocks .
5 She said she did not want any birthday presents unless they could be enjoyed by everyone , so her friends spent £500 on young trees and got permission to plant them around the town .
6 In the first place , becoming a housewife impresses them by the very openness of the role [ ? ] and by the freedom they now have from constraining supervision …
7 He quotes the view of Aristo , who produces two arguments : first , that by analogy with relegatio dotis and the stipulatio emptae hereditatis the word ‘ sums ’ should be held to include objects as well as money ; second , that intention is particularly important in trusts , and it appears to be the testator 's intention in first speaking generally of ‘ sums ’ and then mentioning certain objects to include them in the expression too .
8 The search for counter-examples led them to the history of the family and of the primitive local community which they saw as kinship based .
9 WITH the forthcoming visit by the South Africans looming large , the RFU have taken the opportunity given them by the All Black and Wallaby tours to South Africa to get in some early homework on the Boks .
10 The pyramids were already 2,000 years old when Herodotus visited them in the middle of the fifth century BC , but he found the Egyptians still told tales of misery about their construction , the horrors suffered by the populace .
11 These jobs are usually seen as benefits , certainly by the workers who flock to take them up , and by the governments that have established incentive programmes to attract them in the first place .
12 Trent found them on the floor and watched the old man thread the sprung arms over his ears .
13 It is understood therefore , that , as part of the pupil 's exploration of aspects of religion and morality , he/she will have access to these five main elements of the Mysteries of the Faith , and the opportunity to relate them to the particular issue/topic being explored .
14 In traditional manner Rolle treats the gifts of the Holy Spirit listed as Wisdom , Understanding , Counsel , Might , Knowledge Piety and Fear of the Lord in Isaiah 11 in the inverted hierarchical order Counsel , Understanding , Wisdom to relate them to the process of withdrawal from the world and achievement of that inner discretion which is the ground of contemplation ; he then deals with strength , piety , knowledge and the fear of the Lord itemised as forces which stimulate man to self-knowledge and help the soul to endure against sin , all aspects of a more active spirituality .
15 There was always a scramble to obtain them after the meeting .
16 The Germans occupied them in the second world war , the Americans rebuilt them afterwards , and then the north-west Europeans came back in the shape of the European Community and its powerful money .
17 Well no the , the owner , the baker reported them to the police .
18 They hired dragomans to escort them round the tombs and temples in the shade of parasols .
19 Bloom et al. " s study of how to is acquired in infinitival complement constructions led them to the clear conclusion that " the children learned to with the meaning " " direction towards " " and not as a meaningless syntactic marker " ( 1984 : 391 ) .
20 This teacher 's view that the Afro-Caribbean pupils felt obliged to live up to the labels given them by the school was reiterated by other teachers .
21 Glenn Hoddle got them to the Premier league … maybe Keith Scott can keep them there !
22 Medau teachers invited Patricia McCall to instruct them in the principles of Laban Movement at their September Training Day ; in St Andrews , Rosalind Garton follows her evening Medau class immediately with a Yoga session , and is delighted by the enthusiasm shown for the idea .
23 But when they reached the dock and were waiting for the boat to carry them to the camp , Seth snatched the van 's keys , nearly breaking two of Suzy 's fingers in the struggle .
24 No doubt a finder of perishable commodities would be justified in taking any reasonable steps to preserve them pending the ascertainment of their owner ; e.g .
25 Scalding tears brimmed over , and James Halden checked them with the cushion of his thumb .
26 I was still more surprised when some of their parents arrived in motor cars to see them at the weekend
27 A car passed them on the single track road , heading north ; they stood aside to let it pass , waving at the single occupant when he waved at them .
28 There were traps to catch them along the way .
29 She turned away , shutting her eyes to adjust them to the darkness , and then with no further hesitation she was going down the rope hand over hand , her feet and knees checking at each knot .
30 I 've sent Tuathal with a hundred horse to catch them in the ravine at Glen Farg . ’
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