Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] her [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Her glance brought her eyes a little too directly in line with the sun and she pulled away quickly .
2 Staring through the streaming window , Nell gritted her teeth every time the bows pushed out over the top of a big wave , only to hang in space before dropping away into the sixty-odd feet of the following trough that seemed to her a mile deep .
3 So too does Rosalind Russell ; perhaps she sounds a little old for the part , but her dry tones give her numbers a splendidly acerbic edge .
4 The next time the girl opened her eyes the young officer was staring straight into them , his face strained and anxious .
5 Isabel lifted her chin , pride and defiance turning her eyes a stormy grey as she stared back at fitzAlan coldly .
6 This is similar to that of the mother cat giving her kittens a mouse , but it goes a step further , because Ricci usually abandons her own hammer to Nina .
7 Alexandra drooped her eyes a little .
8 Three floors up , on the top floor of the large house , Sally Headleand sat on her bedroom floor painting her toe-nails a pale silvery green and listening to her stepbrother Alan trying to explain about inflation and unemployment and monetarism and the economic implications of the new rhetoric praising the Victorian values of family life .
9 Kandinskaya raised her eyebrows a little and scrolled through the data cube on her desk-tank .
10 Tears stung her eyes a moment at the thought of her sister losing her identity ; Jezrael asked herself if the grief was for Ches or selfishly for her own loss .
11 Belle gave her sons the idea that it was capricious irresponsibility .
12 However , as soon as this female lays her eggs the male deserts her , leaving her to rear this brood by herself .
13 Enid spreads her skirts a little .
14 At least Kathleen 's cooking meant she could manage a passable display of unconcerned eating , time to gather her wits a little …
15 A BIT PODGY Fergie gives her thighs a pat … and gets that sinking feeling as her hand carries on plunging into rolls of flesh .
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