Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] been give [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But already the decision has been given all party support in the House of Lords .
2 VAUXHALL has been giving more details of changes and additions to its range for the sales year .
3 Platelet structure and its relationship to platelet function has been given tremendous impetus , through the application of electromicroscopy to the study of platelet anatomy and the development of techniques for isolation of physiologically active platelets and their preservation for ultrastructural study .
4 That in view of the foregoing considerations we ask you to ask the Masters " Association to delay any decision hurtful to the interests of women compositors until the women 's case has been given full consideration .
5 Underlining the endless uncertainty that surrounds any industrial or commercial company that has the misfortune to be controlled by the state , France 's chronic loss-maker Compagnie des Machines Bull SA has been given two months to come up with a viable strategy , French Industry Minister Gerard Longuet said after a news conference where he outlined his policies after six weeks in office .
6 Underlining the endless uncertainty that surrounds any industrial or commercial company controlled by the state , France 's loss-maker Compagnie des Machines Bull SA has been given two months to come up with a viable strategy , French Industry Minister Gerard Longuet said after a news conference where he outlined his policies after six weeks in office .
7 The old program is deleted ( as if a NEW command had been given prior to the LOAD ) and all the dynamic variables are cleared .
8 Schools have been given greater autonomy and greater exposure to market forces , both of which are significantly altering their information requirements .
9 These anomalous crustal fragments have been given various names-suspect terrane , allochthonous terrane-but we will use the term displaced terrane ( Note that in this book the spelling ‘ terrane ’ is used to refer to structural units whereas ‘ terrain' is applied in a topographic sense . )
10 Sir — Both the government and the opposition parties have been given one clear ringing message by the voters in the election : that environmental issues are of little or no concern to them .
11 Michael Heseltine had his own way at the Department of the Environment and will continue to do so at Trade and Industry , where supporters of his during the leadership contest have been given junior positions .
12 OFFICIALS of an apparently doomed workingmen 's club have been given fresh hope that it could survive .
13 The department 's work has been given top ratings in both UGC/UFC research reviews .
14 The very words ‘ modern art ’ still carry by themselves a charge strong enough to disturb , dishearten , or even repel , some before they 've read a line or listened to a note of whatever work has been given this label .
15 Since publication , Alan has been given more information on this illustrious unit and has been kept busy updating his files .
16 Amid all the speculation about the future of our great Taoiseach , one issue has been given scant consideration : what is the quality of those who are being identified as his likely successors ?
17 Many of the ‘ social ’ or non-commercial objectives imposed on the railways by the state remain unacknowledged ; they are not incorporated into calculations of state financial compensation and state control has thus been weakened since railway management has been given reasonable pretexts for failing to meet targets .
18 The campaign has been given additional clout this weekend , with referees under instruction to dismiss instantly anyone guilty of head-high tackles on or off the ball , and not to send them to the sin-bin where they have gone too often in the past .
19 The Institute has been given legal advice to the effect that there is a possibility that the defence of qualified or absolute privilege might be available , but it would be up to the courts to decide and the only way of finding out would be a test case .
20 NOW THAT the council has been given thousands of pounds for traffic calming measures , how about a pedestrian crossing outside Alder Hey Hospital ?
21 He says Gloucestershire County Council has been given more money .
22 Another tactic has been to give greater scope to consumers vis-à-vis public sector groups .
23 The development of the gardens has been given high priority and there is a large variety of named trees and shrubs .
24 The vice-chancellor said the creditors ' committee had been given insufficient time and information to judge the proposals , which were negotiated by BCCI liquidator Touche Ross , particularly whether accepting Abu Dhabi 's package would recover more money for creditors than suing the majority shareholders .
25 The two were now inside the grille together and Mena Iskander had been given strict instructions to try to secure Miss Postlethwaite a seat from which she could see Zoser clearly and if possible his wife as well .
26 It was perhaps as well John Hounsell had been given some forewarning .
27 Once the senior clerk in the Chancery , Nigel had been given this assignment as a benefice , a reward for long and faithful service to the Crown .
28 Administrators have been given greater access to confidential documents , which could facilitate taking legal action against auditors and other advisers .
29 Employees and contractors have been given preferential treatment and get the total amount applied for .
30 ‘ Each two-person team has been given several overseas markets and told to get back as many packages as possible .
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