Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] from [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There were loose flaps of skin hanging from his face and I could see the bone around his eye socket . ’
2 One of them , with a yard of snot hanging from his nose , insisted on showing him some manuscripts he kept under his well-peed mattress .
3 If the idea itself is more important to you than the glory reflecting from its success , then raise the idea at a meeting so that it becomes an idea generated by a team .
4 There were ladders in both her stockings today and her hair spilled from its bun at all sides .
5 The new award differs from its predecessor in that it includes management studies and also a module in ‘ Control and care of prisoners ’ .
6 Direct debits or standing orders are liable to make money disappear from your account stealthily , which may be very confusing .
7 Villages are crippled by people who ca n't bear to have the veil torn from their fantasy of idyllic retirement . ’
8 By listening closely to what chefs want from their equipment and by striving to scale new heights in service and product development , they are doing their utmost to meet the needs of the modern caterer .
9 Cursing , Cardiff rose from his seat as PC Simpson entered the room again .
10 Sweeting also confirmed that the Miss Johnson story originated from his aunt who , as he wittily put it , ‘ could only know what was told her ! ’
11 Marc moved from his position by the window as if aware of missing this exchange , and came to stand over them .
12 The fact that Paris was so rich a source of books — from de luxe manuscripts to ‘ soiled tracts and battered codices ’ — in part stemmed from its position and reputation as the greatest northern European centre of learning .
13 She shot a secret look at him but he was checking the machine , the slight conversation with Mitch dismissed from his mind — or maybe not .
14 As they approached , Reni rose from his seat at a table near the large rectangular pool which was the centrepiece of what — as Huy now saw it to be — was an unconventionally asymmetrical garden .
15 Strings of bloody vomit drooled from his mouth , a legacy of prolonged foam inhalation .
16 Miss Honey rose from her chair and walked out of the room .
17 The look his aid received from his wife guaranteed that he would hesitate — on this social occasion — to interrupt again .
18 Then every drop of blood drained from her face as a man 's hand reached past her .
19 He stopped , glanced towards the half-open door , and all the blood drained from his face as he realised that someone was standing there , out of sight .
20 The blood drained from his face .
21 Penry stared at her incredulously , then to her relief the tension drained from his face before her eyes as his muscular , beautiful torso began to vibrate with laughter .
22 His eyes bulged from his head , red-veined and ghastly , and his lips were drawn back from his blackened , stump-like teeth , as the full horror of what the Trees were doing impinged on his dull mind .
23 Bernice straightened from her crouch with the five bolts buzzing like bees in her hand , pulled the access plate open and furtively tried to check the space inside the dispenser .
24 Kuznetsk recovered from its period in the doldrums ; in fact it was the only one of the old Siberian forts apart from Tobolsk to be rebuilt in stone , since it formed the terminus of the most easterly section of the fortifications .
25 We had tea in a still half-deserted seaside town and when we came out of the cafe Edward produced from his pocket a tomato-shaped ketchup-holder which had taken Laura 's fancy and amused Edward with its outrageous farting noise .
26 A great weight lifted from her mind .
27 Corbett rose from his stool and sent it flying back with a crash .
28 Then he was swinging out of it , feeling the blood retreat from his head , sensing the ground reach up for his wheels : twisting to see the flag , before he went up and waited his turn to do it over again .
29 The blow from Kelly 's right fist brought blood spurting from his nose and sent a searing pain up her arm which she refused to show on her face .
30 A mule began to bray in alarm and a Myrcan struck it at once with his staff until it fell silent , blood oozing from its nose .
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