Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] by the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 New products developed by the best-performing machine-tool makers tended to start their lives with ‘ fuzzy ’ specifications , allowing for significant design changes before they reached the customer .
2 Then he lay in a Dublin hospital bed with his neck in a brace , his rugby future hanging by the merest thread .
3 The first pictures encountered by the youngest readers ( and the youngest readers will be very young : ‘ Ideally , a small pile of good books awaits the new baby 's arrival ’ according to Dorothy Butler , 1980 , p.27 ) will be simple , clear pictures of objects to be seen in the reader 's immediate world , objects that are becoming familiar in real life .
4 This he had learnt from Ann herself , who had forecast the sex of both babies by means of a golden ring suspended by the longest whisker of a white cat .
5 The enormous main door of the house stood open , its metal-lined bulk held by the largest safety-chain he had ever seen .
6 Major announced on Oct. 17 that the UK was to write off unilaterally some US$850,000,000 in debts owed by the poorest countries — two-thirds of the debt owed by some 20 countries .
7 The addition of occupational pension rights to an estimate of the share of wealth owned by the poorest 80 per cent of the population in 1972 raises the figure from 10 per cent to 20 per cent , and including state-pension rights doubles this again to over 40 per cent .
8 However , according to our first prevalence study , it was those areas characterised by the greatest levels of social deprivation that contained both the largest absolute numbers of users and the highest proportions of users .
9 Moreover , the proportion of the tax paid by the richest tax-payers is greatest when the top rate is lowest .
10 TRAVELLERS face chaos next week because of a one-day strike called by the biggest rail union .
11 So it 's basically if they finish on the level points goal difference shall determine the final positions followed by the highest number of goals scored and then by the highest number of goals scored away from home .
12 Many years ago I worked as a Time and Motion Study ( Work Study ) officer in industry , where the question was always : why ca n't all workers produce the output achieved by the best workers ?
13 We next compare the range of past variations in solar irradiance implied by the best-fit values of β with what is known from other sources .
14 To the north are the giants of the Pennines and eastward are interminable rolling moors divided by the loneliest and least-known of the Yorkshire Dales , the wild recess of Whitsundale .
15 Boxing : Colchester Boxing Club 's Andy Farrow showed his versatility when faced by a tricky opponent as he moved into the national schoolboys under-42 kilos semi-finals.Up against a spoiling boxer in the shape of Greg Algar of Eltham BC at Sandwich , Farrow persevered and kept himself out of trouble to win by the narrowest of points decisions.The judges awarded the fight to the 14-year-old Alderman Blaxill pupil 60–58 , 59–58 , 58–60 .
16 Stereotactic coordinates refer to the maximal activation indicated by the highest Z score in a particular cerebral structure .
17 Theoretically one can have the best materials taught by the best teachers , but although a number of films have been made , and probably will continue to be made , they have not had the success that was expected of them in the fifties .
18 The relief exhibited by the highest mountains and the deepest oceanic trenches , although apparently spectacular , is in fact trivial when compared with the dimensions of the Earth as a whole .
19 Local ace Mick Broadley led by the nearest of margins beating Brian O'Keefe 19.6.0 to 19.5.0 off adjoining pegs .
20 The labour-intensive car-cleaning method involves either my supervising them carefully or running the risk of the paintwork being scratched by sponges full of grit because they have been dropped in the gutter , and the car bonnet dented by the smallest child climbing on it to reach the windscreen .
21 The persuasion rests on the assumptions that the forms of consultation practised and of participation prompted by the best employers are a measure of industrial democracy , but not enough : that the representation of employees on company boards is necessary to establish complete industrial democracy ; that total industrial democracy , in this prescription , will so far improve industrial efficiency as to benefit materially the general interest ; and that the implicit loss or diminution of the rights of ownership should not be allowed to preclude the realisation of that benefit .
22 On May 1 the Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia appealed for international aid , saying that " the magnitude of devastation wrought by the latest cyclone is so great that Bangladesh can not face it alone " .
23 For a generation of European Romantics it created the image of a nation sui generis , a natural force uncontaminated by Europe , an image consecrated by the greatest writer of nineteenth-century Spain , the novelist Galdós .
24 The arms trade increases Third World debt , which is a burden born by the poorest .
25 This was solved by setting up the first stall run by the eldest most respected woman in the village .
26 At higher drug/DNA ratios the proportion of the decay represented by the longest species decreased and a third intermediate component was evident .
27 Harney 's death was a political assassination , it triggered nationwide riots followed by the biggest murder investigation South Africa has seen .
28 For instance , if we take the basic wage paid by the largest firms to be 100 , firms in the two smallest size bands pay 78 per cent and 52 per cent of these rates .
29 Both seem unnecessary for a hotel surrounded by the best in London 's culinary stakes but evening drinks can be arranged if requested .
30 Whereas the excavation of settlements can throw light on the useful activities of ancient societies , it is from burials not previously looted by treasure-seekers that archaeologists have recovered artefacts shaped by the finest craftsmen from the most precious substances , veritable trophies of the forces of emulation responsible for the rise of human civilizations .
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