Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] at his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Buckmaster dabbed at his thin lips with his napkin .
2 Meredith fumed at his liquefying eyes and the contemptuous curl of his sculpted mouth .
3 Dennis glanced at his tasting notes .
4 Corbett stared at his bold-faced servant .
5 When I close my eyes and imagine fatherhood , I see all the standard clichés : John Jr walking with me in the park , a football dribbling at his chubby little feet ; John Jr passing me a spanner as I lie underneath the motorbike ; John Jr asking me to read him that story one more time because I read it so well .
6 Stok tugged at his fleshy chin .
7 All the while her thighs pumped at his quivering prick .
8 Thus , when Ludendorff arrived at his new headquarters at Marienburg , orders had already been given for the mass of the Eighth Army to form a half-moon facing southeast , toward the centre of which' Samsonov , urged on by telegrams from Jilinski , was now marching his weary men .
9 The American boy stared at his empty glass , which he had drained nervously at a gulp , and looked uncertainly towards the figure of his mother fast disappearing among the crowd .
10 Cornelius worried at his top knot and Tuppe kicked his tiny bootheels against the plinth and patted his brown paper bag .
11 Ronni glared at his arrogant , retreating back .
12 After reading of Helen Wright 's good fortune in September Amicus Ivan McNeill wrote to tell me of his luck in winning a three day family trip to Euro Disney in a free draw organised at his local Esso petrol station in Ballymena , County Antrim .
13 A ceremonial sword hung at his left side in a gilded scabbard and clusters of beribboned medals and star-pointed orders festooned both sides of his tunic .
14 ‘ It is indecent for a Muslim to look at his private parts and his excretion . ’
15 FIX-IT star Sir Jimmy Savile spoke last night of his sadness over job cuts at his favourite hospital .
16 When he left Williams for Ferrari , I remember Frank Williams reminiscing at his annual press luncheon that he had fond memories of Alan Jones and Keke Rosberg , but that it would be some time before he had similar memories of Nigel .
17 Alyssia looked at his expressive hands , the long , clever fingers , and she wondered how well he really knew this woman .
18 Alyssia gasped at his loose rendition of the truth , and then closed her mouth as she took in Piers 's frozen expression .
19 ‘ She says you are beautiful , ’ murmured Lucenzo , and Meredith 's cheeks pinkened at his slow gaze .
20 The Prince and Princess put on a show by travelling in the same car as Harry starts at his new school .
21 Gillian looked at his round pink cheeks , then into his little blue eyes .
22 The major stared at his superior officer .
23 He wanted a noisy , breezy curate to get at his rough teenagers .
24 Adam sat at his usual lunchtime table in the Savoy Grill the one discreetly opposite the main entrance , so that without seeming to do so , he saw everyone who entered the restaurant .
25 In Division One he was subjected to a lot of dubious physical challenge and then , as Palace managers came and went , Vince 's role was constantly changing , so that he became something of an enigma to Palace fans who would one week marvel at his sinuous skills and near-perfect control but then despair at his virtual anonymity the next .
26 Peter Yeo was still looking out of the window , and Claudia glanced at his familiar back , too short and too broad despite the most expensive tailoring , with real anxiety , ‘ You do n't honestly think that , do you , Peter ?
27 The inspector looked at his sunken head with compassion .
28 Maria looked at his grim expression and knew what she had to do .
29 He liked girls looking at his muscly legs ; he liked them hearing his muscly arguments , too .
30 When he was voted the English League 's Player of the Year in 1973 , the Sunday Telegraph marvelled at his new maturity , and described his transformation as being ‘ like Attila The Hun giving up fighting for sculpture . ’
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