Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] at [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Up until this time , the horse will need to have its teeth checked at least every six months .
2 She was told that , unless insemination occurred at exactly the right time each month , her acid levels would kill off the donor sperm .
3 When he was joined in the Test team by Desmond Haynes , one of the most dependable and successful of all opening partnerships was created , and as the senior member in his late twenties Greenidge matured at just the right time .
4 If you look back to 1974 you 'll discover that our vote lifted at precisely the moment the Tories tried the same game .
5 She attempted to restore some order to her tousled hair with her fingers , then stroked on a little blusher to counteract at least a little of her pallor ; but there was little she could do to repair the ravages of the night , and finally she turned away with a heavy sigh .
6 And it was to restore order , as much as anything , that a nominally Vietnamese administration provided at least the façade of an ‘ independent ’ Vietnamese government .
7 the system is set up so that the engine for each car arrives at just the right moment . ’
8 You will be surprised at how differently the authors look at even an elementary subject .
9 In the manufacturing counties you see the wheel going at almost every door , the wool and the yarn hanging up at every window , the looms , the winders , the combers , the carders , the dyers , the dressers , all busy ; and the very children , as well as women constantly employed .
10 But they decided to establish a study committee in Brussels to look at both a common market and the possibilities for ‘ sector ’ co-operation .
11 Ironically she rarely used much make-up herself , but right now she could have done with a cover-up stick to hide the dark shadows beneath her eyes and some blusher to conceal at least a little of her pallor .
12 The unresponsiveness of the V8 T-cell subset is frequent , since it occurred in 55% of the patients studied and longitudinal study of 10 patients indicated an effect lasting at least a year .
13 The two successive episodes of Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet collapse began at precisely the same time as the climate shifts that are recorded in the Greenland ice core ( within the cited uncertainty ) .
14 What is more , in the decade after 1975 employment in these two sectors grew at twice the average rate for all industry .
15 With their characteristic and pervasive atmosphere of sexuality and sensuality and their erotic tales presented or disguised within verbal play , it is hardly surprising that many have considered " pornography " to be an appropriate term to describe at least a good part of what is found in these fabliaux .
16 Virtually all the guards carried at least a side-arm and , usually , a semi-automatic rifle .
17 Certainly Eliot 's studies in Sanskrit and Pali at Harvard under Lanman and Woods had given him a thorough knowledge of Indian thought , but it is probable that Kipling 's version of metempsychosis had at least an equally important effect .
18 It is generally conceded that such words have at least a Component of meaning that resists truth-conditional treatment ( Grice , 1975 ; Wilson , 1975 ; Levinson , 1979b ) .
19 It is interesting to note that high spring tides occur at approximately the same time of the day every year in each location on the coast .
20 Up to the darkroom to begin at once the pictures she had taken this afternoon .
21 Ferguson salvaged at least a point from another tough assignment , the first of the season at the third attempt .
22 Hereford deserved at least a draw but lost it for good three minutes from time when Johnson got a second for Lincoln …
23 Hereford deserved at least a draw but lost it for good three minutes from time when Johnson got a second for Lincoln …
24 Either tactic offers at least a chance of keeping trouble to the minimum .
25 Elsa directed at Amiss a look of desperation .
26 The opponents have a confident sounding auction to a six diamond contract , during which South showed at least a five and probably a six card diamond suit .
27 There is general acceptance that as regards consensual security English law recognises at least the following : the mortgage , the charge , the pledge and the lien .
28 The timing of these changes and the details of the structures adopted varied between the countries comprising the United Kingdom , but ‘ as a service provider , local government in Scotland developed at broadly the same pace as local government in England and Wales ’ ( Page 1983:43 ; cf. foster et al.
29 A little way above his head , and maybe a few metres back , is a crossed pair of microphones with their elements set at exactly the same distance as his ears .
30 This is the shortest par-three but is guarded by enough sand to build at least a four-bedroom castle .
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