Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] at [art] high " in BNC.

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1 It is therefore safe for a fire-engine driver to proceed at a higher speed than would be possible for other drivers .
2 This approach does however force the wireframe modeller to work at a higher level of understanding than exists in most present systems .
3 To coach them better , to give them better opportunities , to give them better opportunities to play at a higher level , to be more competitive rather earlier in their lives .
4 He was also a reformer and builder ; his reforms were far-reaching in administration and law while the arts flourished at a high level .
5 Its tasks include finding out how the cladding around the nuclear fuel rods deforms at the high temperatures that might follow a loss of cooling water .
6 Mr Cavaco Silva tried put the brakes on his currency by cutting key interest rates by 1 p.c. to just under 18 p.c. and by selling escudos but the pound ended the day less than 1 p.c. away from its floor of 241.5 against the Portuguese currency , despite successful British efforts over the weekend to force Portugal to join at a higher rate than the Lisbon government had planned on Friday .
7 Is that ambition functioning at a high level or is it just a sense of obligation or is it idealism ?
8 The potentiometer is a stable cermet multi-turn type to allow the high resolution setting required at the highest sensitivity .
9 Miss Hazelwood sat at a high centre desk , seemingly reading a book .
10 My attention had been so far away and the dog had timed his jump to a split second so that his bark came at the highest point , his teeth only inches from my face .
11 For most motors the static torque/rotor position characteristic exhibits a rapidly diminishing return in terms of torque produced as the phase current approaches its rated value [ see Fig. 3.1(a) ] , indicating that magnetic saturation or the stator and rotor teeth occurs at the higher currents .
12 Listen to a car passing on the road : as the car is approaching , its engine sounds at a higher pitch ( corresponding to a higher frequency of sound waves ) , and when it passes and goes away , it sounds at a lower pitch .
13 The mute swan population stands at the highest it has been for 40 years .
14 But in an announcement made at the High Court in London it 's agreed to pay compensation on the basis of 85 percent liability .
15 What is more , when inflation is taken into account , the present middle-income earners have relatively less disposable income under the present higher tax rate of 60% than they did under the old regime of tax charged at the highest rate of 83% such is the falling-behind effect of tax allowances granted in recent years .
16 As a result , genes underwriting the avoidance of incest remain at a high level in the population .
17 When the Netherlands is the seat of war , all the peasants grow rich , for they pay no rent when the enemy is in the country , and provisions sell at a high rate . ’
18 The incumbent 's output starts at a high level and gradually declines , whilst the entrants ' output starts low and gradually increases the more it discovers about the market .
19 There was no sound from within the cell , though the prisoner 's little lamp was lighted , its faint glow showed at the high , barred window .
20 When officers arrived at the High Row , a large group of anti-fascist campaigners had arrived and were chanting slogans at the BNP .
21 Foreign investors looked at the higher yield of gilts over German government bonds without worrying about exchange risk .
22 The document argued that a school would be more effective in achieving its aims if they were written down and it suggested six possible aims expressed at a high level of generality , for example : to develop lively enquiring minds … ; to acquire the knowledge and skills relevant to adult life and employment in a fast-changing world .
23 Good presentation : dress standards of a person working at the highest levels of large corporations .
24 Well , I 'm not sure that 's correct , but anyway Mill thinks that these ideas local participation of jury service are ways of getting people involved at the highest practical level of participation .
25 ‘ David and Gary , in particular , are proof that playing for Queen 's is no barrier to progress at a higher level .
26 Well actually pottery is covered in a thin layer of glass , so that when your pot is dipped into the glazed solution , it 's simply a suspension of silicone in water which ride on the surface , to leave a powder , which is really finely ground up sand , when you put that into the kiln to fire at a higher temperature it mystifies it , it turns into glass , now it 's
27 Dealers emerged from the first day 's sale of the Blackmer library gasping at the high prices .
28 Rift arms at triple junctions which fail to spread will form aulacogens striking at a high angle into the continental margin ( Fig. 4.16(B) , ( C ) ) .
29 It remained in Australia until 1986 , when it was sent to her niece , Mrs Rita Coxall of Bishop 's Castle , for showing at the first Bishop 's Castle Railway Exhibition held at the High School on 18 April 1986 .
30 Despite these difficulties , regional activities remained at a high level .
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