Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] for an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Allowing play to continue for an hour if such time has been lost during the day is splendid ; but the idea must be extended to ensure that any time lost up to that hour is added on .
2 I still do barre exercises for an hour a day , though . ’
3 On 16 March 1992 Wright applied for an extension of time in which to renew his application for leave to appeal against conviction and the application was listed to be heard on the same day as Christou 's appeal .
4 Er , I had a , a card to go for an X-ray .
5 His expression for once had lost that unyielding look , and uncertainty flickered for an instant in the glance he bestowed on her .
6 Their eyes met for an instant .
7 ‘ And now it is gone , all gone … the communists have thrown in the sponge and left us bouncing around in the ring looking for an opponent .
8 Before the action came on for trial the defendant applied for an adjustment of his liabilities under the Liabilities ( Wartime Adjustment ) Act 1941 .
9 The defendant applied for an order that the five other members of the management committee , including the appellant , be joined under Order 5 , rule 5 as persons responsible to pay damages and costs to the plaintiff .
10 They have left their homes looking for an education .
11 I reach over the palletwood fence and pour water from the long spout into his half-empty ice cream tub , then straighten and stare at the huge , inert body , my mind searching for an excuse to proceed beyond the shed .
12 Corbett rested for an hour whilst his old friend , arms full of sheaves and rolls of parchment , searched the records of armorial bearings and heraldic designs .
13 One of the most cited examples of such research is an unpublished study by Johnson and Scott ( 1976 ) where subjects waiting for an experiment overhear a violent argument next door followed by a person coming through the room carrying a bloodied letter opener .
14 In June 1962 the NCCL had adopted a resolution from the Connolly Association calling for an inquiry into civil liberties in Northern Ireland ; the NICCL seems to have been set up in response and as its first action , in July , it held a meeting to prepare a memorandum on civil rights to present to Mr Justice Bose of the International Commission of jurists , who was visiting Belfast .
15 The burdens and lack of stability of his social community became unbearable and the poet yearns for an age of permanence and simplicity to provide him with an alternative to the real world .
16 With the development of strong , authoritarian , state-like bodies , human control over arid and semi-arid areas was extended through irrigation works , whose construction and maintenance called for an organization which Wittfogel ( 1957 , p.136 ) characterized as ‘ benevolent in form and oppressive in content . ’
17 In his article , McAlpine calls for an inquest into the activities of the youngsters .
18 This maintained a trend of conciliation begun the previous year when Iran 's Majles Speaker Rafsanjani was invited to meet King Fahd during his visit to Saudi Arabia for the annual pilgrimage and Crown Prince Abdallah called for an end to the war and the submission of the two sides to ‘ just and honest mediation ’ .
19 Portugal called for an end to Indonesia 's " illegal occupation " of its former colony .
20 Speaking before the meeting , West Belfast MP Dr Joe Hendron called for an increase in intelligence operations on loyalist paramilitaries .
21 During his visit Dumas called for an acceleration in the reform programme already under way in Laos .
22 So , would a court faced with such a text which suggests meanings X or Y admit parliamentary material which clearly indicates an intention to legislate for an aspect of meaning X ( X ) but excludes other aspects of that meaning ( X ) and alternative meaning Y. Or , to take a more extreme case , where a legislative text suggests meanings X or Y , will the relaxed exclusionary rule admit parliamentary material which clearly suggests a parliamentary intention of another distinct meaning , Z ?
23 Candidates studying for an HCIMA Professional Qualification must normally be registered members of the Association .
24 Thereafter the Scots waited for an answer .
25 And I had it in mind to ask for an advance . ’
26 An employee works for an organisation , but may also be a member of a trade union .
27 The recent Royal Commission on Incomes and Wealth analysed the sources of finance for the larger quoted industrial and financial companies in the U K and found that between 1950–72 internally generated funds accounted for an average 70 per cent of total finance over this period .
28 Yasmin Le Bon auditions for an air hostess job at Qantas on the Veronique Leroy runway
29 On Nov. 27 parliament appealed for an end to the civil war , defended a temporary ban on strikes and rallies , and called for the voluntary surrender of weapons .
30 All these ingredients make for an outpouring of love and care when she is confronted by a terrified Behrendt one day .
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