Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] for a time " in BNC.

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1 Each spurt in investment has for a time been halfway successful in boosting harvests and production , but policy to date has failed to grasp the nettles of productivity , variety , distribution and responsible land use .
2 In between minor television roles , in series like ‘ Divorce Court ’ , Jack took to practising script writing for a time , while waiting for work .
3 Nathan waited patiently for the remissions which made it possible for the ruined mind to function for a time ; he sat by the sick man , who by now was almost blind ; the paralysis was , after all , general .
4 But all instances share one characteristic : the author 's words become for a time the transmitters of other voices , voices that come from inside someone else 's head .
5 ‘ When Maeve was taken , ’ said Grainne , and those nearest noted that she did not falter over the name , ‘ when Maeve was taken , the huge and fearsome Gateway to the Dark Ireland opened for a time .
6 Although such testimony is important , it is a little unfortunate that Dobson 's influence led for a time to an undervaluing of occasional spellings , rhymes and puns .
7 Also , coins seem for a time to have been minted in his name in Sigtuna ( on Lake Mälar , near modern Stockholm ) with the title REX SW ( king of Swedes ) , by a moneyer who had earlier struck for Anund Jacob .
8 Japan was invading China , the Chinese leader Chiang Kai-Shek disappeared for a time , and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned to London from Munich waving a paper to proclaim ‘ peace in our time ’ .
9 And to , to resign and to bring the new leader in charge to settle for a time .
10 And Jessie listened for a time , but then she said , ‘ But she must be a total stranger .
11 Moreover , with a politically more secure government and fewer power cuts ( the benefits of new investment were gradually coming through ) , the threat of public exposure could not be as effectively used by the Boards against Whitehall , though the mandarins remained for a time concerned that Citrine was aiming at such an anti-government campaign .
12 If Country Jacobitism had for a time in the early 1690s represented an alliance of disillusioned Whigs and Tories , it nevertheless ended up as a platform which drew support almost exclusively from Tories .
13 Even Sir Henry came out of his chill library to stand for a time , wrapped in greatcoat and mufflers , surveying the Breughel-like gathering at the lake .
14 For although the Home Rule movement did for a time grow apace , with an ever increasing number of SNP candidates being elected to Parliament and , under the Callaghan administration , the old High School building on Calton Hill being refurbished to accommodate a Scottish debating-chamber ( the old one had become incorporated in the Law Courts ) , the idea of Home Rule made many of my countrymen uneasy ; less , I think , about financial disadvantages ( for oil revenue would have compensated for that ) than at the prospect of feuding between east and west , north and south , and , for some , the prospect of a semi-permanent Labour administration ; and when in 1979 a referendum of the whole Scottish nation was held , the votes in favour of Home Rule did not attain the clear 40 per cent majority on which the House of Commons had insisted .
15 It was quite different , however , when through parental death or disaster a grandchild went for a time to be brought up by grandparents .
16 Before long , however , the euphoria and hope turned to terror and tyranny , and first under the Committee of Public Safety and the Triumvirate , and then led by the Corsican dictator Napoleon , France became for a time , a threat to every nation in Europe .
17 Hunt lived for a time as a tax exile in Marbella , sharing an estate with another ex model , Jane ‘ Hottie ’ Birbeck .
18 Nationalism was , is and will be : it is , as Tom Nairn put it , the Janus-face looking at once forward to liberation and progress and backward to reactionary and often mythical notions of the past ; it is a force which should never be identified with the nation-state , a concept which nationalism has for a time inhabited , as a hermit crab inhabits a shell , but is evidently beginning to evacuate as the sovereign nation-state shows clear sign of obsolescence .
19 In Southampton it is more than twenty years since we learned that there was a major settlement of foreign merchants quite separate from the walled town ; and Hamwih seemed for a time a town apart from others in Britain — though evidently related to the great semi-urban sprawl which has been excavated at Duurstede near Utrecht .
20 With the retirement of Thomas Goldney the firm reverted for a time to Pountney and Co , and eventually became known simply as the Bristol Pottery until its cessation in the 1960s .
21 A teacher has only to say : " Now which of you girls did — " and my spots merge for a time into the scarlet background provided for them by the rest of my face .
22 The absence of any letters between them from mid July until October suggests that they deliberately refrained from regular letter writing for a time .
23 The two men ceased for a time even to acknowledge one another in the street ; and though they later resumed formal courtesies , close friendship was dead .
24 Following the Act 's implementation , the proportion of defendants who were refused bail while awaiting summary trial declined for a time , and even though it rose thereafter , in 1999 it was still 1 per cent below the 1979 figure of 16 per cent .
25 Maxim brooded for a time .
26 The patient improves for a time , say an hour or more , then either stops getting better and the picture becomes more or less static , or begins to slip back again with the same symptoms .
27 In the famous Middletown studies made by Robert and Helen Lynd the Lynds lived for a time in Muncie , Indiana , but were always known to be researchers .
28 Margaret Clifton taught for a time in England , and then at the British Institute School in Madrid .
29 Harriet works for a time in a ‘ gown-shop ’ and takes part in the rather gruesome beauty treatment of the other ‘ sales-ladies ’ .
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